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Correctness of protocols

Our aim now is to prove that if ${\cal C}$ can be derived in our logic from ${\cal A}$ together with (some yet-to-be-defined logic translation of) ${\cal P}$, then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{{\cal P}}{{\cal C}}$holds. From that we can conclude a rectified version, so that we know that participants in protocols draw correct conclusions.

As we have seen, the sending of a message is modelled by adding the message to the sender's $\Once$ set of messages once-said, and to the receiver's $\Sees$ set of messages seen, and then to apply the closure as mentioned in section 4. We now define the logical equivalent of this:

For an action $\send{P}{Q}{X}$, i.e., the sending of a messag...
 ...l P}_1} \union \predprot{{\cal P}_2}\end{array}\end{displaymath}\end{definition}

For all actions $\mbox{$a$}$:

Proof Let $\mbox{$a$}$ be $\send{P}{Q}{X}$.
 \models P \oncesaid X \land Q \sees X}\end{calc}
Now let s be any state, and put $s' = \closure(s[\Once_P\becomes\Once_P\union\{X\},\,
 \Sees_Q\becomes\Sees_Q\union\{X\}])$.We have
\xpr{X \in \Once_P\union\{X\} \land X \in \Sees\union\{X\}}
 ...aid$\space and $\sees$}
\xpr{s' \models P \oncesaid X \land Q \sees X}\end{calc}
\fbox {\vphantom{\tiny .}}

For a collection of predicates ${\cal A}$\space and 
a protoc...
 ...nion \predprot{a}) \allows {\cal P} \end{array}\end{displaymath}\end{definition}

If ${\cal A} \allows a$, then 
$\rectify{{\cal A}} \allows a$.\end{lemma}

Proof We prove $\rectify{{\cal A}} \allows \send{P}{Q}{X}$from ${\cal A} \allows \send{P}{Q}{X}$ with induction on X .

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\mbox{\bf Case}~\mbox{\rm $\encrypt{X...
 ...rectify{{\cal A}} \allows \send{P}{Q}{\encrypt{X}{K}{R}}}\end{calc}\end{outcase}

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\mbox{\bf Case}~\mbox{\rm $(X,Y)$:}
\xpr{\rectify{{\cal A}} \allows \send{P}{Q}{X}}\end{calc}\end{outcase}

\fbox {\vphantom{\tiny .}}

We define {\em positive} formulas as the least set such that:...
 ...x{not containing unbound variables.}\end{array}\end{displaymath}\end{definition}
This is extended to finite sets of formulas: ${\cal F}$ is positive whenever the formula $\bigwedge{\cal F}$ is.

If ${\cal A} \union \predprot{a}$\space is positive 
and ${\cal A} \allows a$, 
then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{a}{{\cal A}}$\end{lemma}

This follows immediately from the following lemma:

If ${\cal A} \allows a$, ${\cal A} \derives \phi$ 
and $\phi$\space positive,
then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{a}{\phi}$\end{lemma}

The proof of this lemma can be found in the appendix.

If ${\cal A} \union \predprot{a}$\space po...
 ...then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{a}{{\cal A}, \predprot{a}}$.\end{quote}\end{lemma}

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This follows now directly from Lemmas~\ref{spec-cup}, \ref{spec-more} 
and \ref{spec-same}.\end{proof}

We define a collection of predicates ${\cal A}$\space to be {...
 ...ollection ${\cal A}'$ 
such that ${\cal A}=\rectify{{\cal A}'}$.\end{definition}
The following lemma follows immediately from the definition of safe.
If ${\cal A}$\space is positive, then $\rectify{{\cal A}}$\space is safe.\end{lemma}
We now formulate Lemma 23 for the weaker requirement of ${\cal A}$ being safe, rather than positive.

\(\mbox{If } {\cal A} \union \predprot{a} \nomath{safe and}
 {\cal A} \allows a\mbox{, then } 
 \models \spec{{\cal A}}{a}{{\cal A}}\)\end{lemma}

The proof of this lemma can be found in the appendix.

If ${\cal A} \union \predprot{a}$\space sa...
 ...then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{a}{{\cal A}, \predprot{a}}$.\end{quote}\end{lemma}

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This follows now directly from Lemmas~\ref{spec-cup}, \ref{spec-more} 
and \ref{spec-same}.

If ${\cal A}\union\predprot{{\cal P}}$\space safe, 
${\cal A} \a...
 ...ves {\cal C}$, 
then $\models \spec{{\cal A}}{{\cal P}}{{\cal C}}$.\end{theorem}

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We prove the theorem by induction on t...
 ...xpr{\models \spec{{\cal A}}{\mbox{$a$};{\cal P}}{{\cal C}}}\end{calc}\end{proof}

From Theorem 9 our main theorem now follows: a proof of a specification in the logic indeed ensures the right conclusions of the principals during the protocol.

If ${\cal A} \union \predprot{{\cal P}}$\space positive,
${\cal ...
$\models \spec{\rectify{{\cal A}}}{{\cal P}}{\rectify{{\cal C}}}$.\end{theorem}

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Let ${\cal A} \union \predprot{{\cal P...
Now we can apply Theorem~\ref{th-main}.\end{proof}

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