Colloquium Talk: Midge Cozzens and Gene Fiorini, "Resources for Addressing Common Core Standards in Math, Language Arts, and Next Generation Science Standards," Mathematics Colloquium, Teachers College, Columbia University, September 15, 2014. [Abstract]
Workshop Talk: Midge Cozzens, "Developing Interdisciplinary Materials for 9-14 Classrooms", Workshop on Teaching Discrete and Algebraic Mathematical Biology to Undergraduates, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, July 29-August 2, 2013. [Workshop website] [PDF Talk]
Workshop Talk: Midge Cozzens, "Food Webs, Competition Graphs, and Habitat Formation", Workshop on Teaching Discrete and Algebraic Mathematical Biology to Undergraduates, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, July 29-August 2, 2013. [Workshop website] [PDF Talk]
International Innovation Article:
An article in International Innovation magazine describes activities in IMB and other DIMACS education projects aimed at preparing students for a "multidisciplinary future."
International Innovation disseminates accessible information on the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level.
[PDF Article]