>David and Lucile Packard Foundation
>$35,554,266 for 83 grants
>300 Second St., #200
>Los Altos, CA 94022
>(415) 948-7658
>Dolly Sacks, program officer
>Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
>$32,140,834 for 84 grants
>630 Fifth Ave. #2550
>New York, NY 10111
>(212) 649-1649
>Ralph Gomory, president
>Whitaker Foundation
>$23,720,285 for 117 grants
>901 15th St., N.W. #1000
>Washington, DC 20005
>Miles Gibbons, president
>Robert A. Welch Foundation
>$14,504,000 for 136 grants
>4605 Post Oak Place, #200
>Houston, TX 77027
>(713) 961-9884
>Norbert Ditterich, president
>Rockefeller Foundation
>$13,861,372 for 167 grants
>1133 Ave. of the Americas
>New York, NY 10036
>(212) 869-8500
>Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, Inc.
>$13,272,343 for seven grants
>50 Hurt Plaza #1200
>Atlanta, GA 30303
>(404) 522-6755
>Charles McTier, president
>Research Corp.
>$12,409,085 for 183 grants
>101 N. Wilmot Rd. #250
>Tucson, AZ 85711-3332
>(520) 571-1111
>Brian Andreen, vice president
>W.M. Keck Foundation
>$11,900,000 for 54 grants
>555 S. Flower St. #3230
>Los Angeles, CA 90071
>(213) 680-3833
>Joan DuBois, program vice president
>Pew Charitable Trusts
>$9,582,000 for 18 grants
>1 Commerce Square
>2005 Market St. #1700
>Philadelphia, PA 19103-7017
>(215) 575-9050
>Robert Schwartz, director
>Ford Foundation
>$8,928,865 for 22 grants
>320 E. 43rd St.
>New York, NY 10017
>(212) 573-5000
>Barron Tenny, secretary
>Second Foundation
>$7,556,857 for one grant
>1525 National City Bank Bldg.
>Cleveland, OH 44114
>(216) 696-4200
>Phillip Ranney, secretary/treasurer
>Richard King Mellon Foundation
>$6,625,000 for six grants
>500 Grant St. 41st Floor
>Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2502
>(412) 392-2800
>George Tiber, vice president
>Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
>$6,329,900 for 19 grants
>140 E. 62nd St.
>New York, NY 10021
>(212) 838-8400
>Richard Ekman, program officer
>James S. McDonnell Foundation
>$6,030,839 for 37 grants
>1034 S. Brentwood Blvd. #1610
>St. Louis, MO 63117
>(314) 721-1532
>Carnegie Corp. of New York
>$5,864,000 for 39 grants
>437 Madison Ave.
>New York, NY 10022
>(212) 371-3200
>David Robinson, executive director
>Sherman Fairchild Foundation Inc.
>$5,783,200 for 14 grants
>71 Arch St.
>Greenwich, CT 06830
>(202) 661-9360
>Patricia Lydon, vice president
>John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
>$5,774,094 for 38 grants
>140 S. Dearborn St.
>Chicago, IL 60603
>(312) 726-8000
>Woodward Wickham, vice president
>AT&T Foundation
>$5,206,196 for 132 grants
>1301 Ave. of Americas
>Room 3100
>New York, NY 10019
>(212) 841-4747
>Jerry Carter, program manager
>Kresge Foundation
>$5,174,686 for 12 grants
>3215 W. Big Beaver Rd.
>P.O. Box 3151
>Troy, MI 48007-3151
>(810) 643-9630
>John Marshall, president
>M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
>$4,943,200 for 15 grants
>P.O. Box 1618
>Vancouver, WA 98668
>(360) 694-8415
>Ford Anderson, executive director
>O'Donnell Foundation
>$4,791,635 for 10 grants
>100 Crescent Court #1660
>Dallas, TX 75201
>(214) 855-8980
>Carolyn Bacon, chief executive director
>W.K. Kellogg Foundation
>$4,748,745 for 29 grants
>1 Michigan Ave. East
>Battle Creek, MI 49017
>(616) 968-1611
>Nancy Sims, grant proposals manager
>Shell Oil Co. Foundation
>$4,493,629 for 206 grants
>P.O. Box 2099
>2 Shell Plaza
>Houston, TX 77252
>(713) 241-4512
>Terry Garland, secretary
>Henry Luce Foundation Inc.
>$4,466,584 for 26 grants
>111 W. 50th St.
>New York, NY 10020
>(212) 489-7700
>John Cook, president
>Grainger Foundation Inc.
>$3,785,500 for six grants
>5500 W. Howard St.
>Skokie, IL 60077
>(708) 982-9000
>Richard Keiser, president
Roseann Rayes Krane, http://www.mvhs.srvusd.k12.ca.us/~rkrane
Monte Vista High School, Technology Coordinator & Network Manager,
510-552-2859 voice; Computer Science Department, 510-837-7507
"All students are different, schools should make them more so!"