Diane Souvaine (dls@CS.Princeton.EDU)
Wed, 24 Jul 96 14:35:45 EDT

Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 09:06:49 -0400
From: Wanglai Li <>
Subject: DIMACS Workshop

| DIMACS: Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science |
| A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center |

DIMACS Symposium on


25-26 July 1996

Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA


Susanna Epp (DePaul University),
David Gries (Cornell University),
Peter Henderson (SUNY Stony Brook),
Ann Yasuhara (Rutgers University),

The symposium will explore the teaching of introductory logic and
logical thinking, with a primary focus on the college level and a
secondary focus on the high school level. The symposium will be
interdisciplinary, emphasizing and contrasting approaches used in
mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and engineering. A
sharing of ideas, rather than consensus, on how to teach logic, is
sought, so that all participants gain an appreciation for the
fundamental issues and ultimately are better able to motivate the
importance of logic and to convey the foundations of logical reasoning
to students.

At the moment, there is room at this symposium/workshop for
participants other than authors of papers. There is no registration
fee, but you should register beforehand. Address questions concerning
attendance/registration to Peter Henderson, .

Preliminary Schedule(as of 6/27/96)


07:30-8:30 Breakfast and Registration
08:30-8:35 Welcome from Fred Roberts for DIMACS
08:35-10:00 Issues and Objectives in Teaching Logic and Math Reasoning
Moderator: Susanna Epp
Vincenzo Liberatore
Ed Dubinsky
Annie Selden & John Selden
10:00-10:30 Break and Informal Discussion
10:30-12:15 Teaching Mathematical Reasoning: Part A
Moderator: Ann Yasuhara
Steve Maurer
Cornelius Nelan
Steve Grantham
Susanna Epp
Ann Yasuhara
12:15-1:30 Lunch and Informal Discussion
1:30-3:00 Teaching Mathematical Reasoning: Part B
Moderator: Deborah Franzblau
Matthew C. Clarke
Viviane Durand-Guerrier
James J. Lu
Matthew McKeon
Judith Nesbit
3:00-3:30 Break and Informal Discussion
3:30-5:30 Software for Teaching Logic and Reasoning
Moderator: Peter Henderson
Kathi Fisler
Keith Stenning
H. James Hoover & Piotr Rudnicki
Ed Dubinski
Katarzyna Paprzycka
6:00-9:00 Reception, Dinner, and Informal Discussion


07:30-8:30 Breakfast
08:30-10:00 Teaching Logic and Formal Methods
Moderator: Peter Henderson
Hans van Ditmarsch
Perry Alexander
Paola Forcheri, Paolo Gentilini & Maria Teresa Molfino
Jim Henle, Tom Tymoczko
Charles L. Silver
10:00-10:30 Break and Informal Discussion
10:30-12:00 The Calculational Approach to Teaching Logic
Moderator: David Gries
Fred Schneider
David Gries
Juris Reinfelds
12:00-1:00 Lunch and Informal Discussion
1:00-2:30 Logic in the Computer Science Curriculum
Moderator: Moshe Vardi
Kim Bruce
David Gries
David Harel
Phokion Kolaitis
Daniel Leivant
2:30-3:00 Break and Informal Discussion
3:00-4:00 Evaluation Issues
Moderator: Susanna Epp
Vicki Almstrom
Timothy Habick
Keith Stenning
4:00-5:30 Wrap-up Session/Discussion
Moderator: Susanna Epp
Deborah Franzblau
David Gries
Peter Henderson
Ann Yasuhara

A list of papers that will be discussed at the symposium. They are
available on the web in different formats; choose the form that suits
you and your computer best.

For more information, see web pages:

This symposium is Sponsored by the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and
Algorithms and the Association for Symbolic Logic in conjunction with
the Federated Logic Conference. Hosted by Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey.

The Special Year program is made possible by long term funding from the
National Science Foundation, the New Jersey Commission on Science and
Technology and DIMACS university and industry partners.

DIMACS Center; Rutgers University; P.O. Box 1179; Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179
TEL: 908-445-5928 FAX: 908-445-5932 ** EMAIL:
WWW: **TELNET: telnet 90

DIMACS is a partnership of Rutgers University, Princeton University,
AT&T Research, Bellcore, and Lucent - Bell Laboratories.