Second National FANS Conference
November 9-10, 2000
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Are you looking for a way to inform parents about your state's math
and science standards, and to enlist their support for the standards?
Bring The FANS Project to your region!
You are invited to attend the 2nd National FANS Conference, which
will take place on November 9 - 10, 2000 on the Busch Campus of
Rutgers University in New Brunswick. The conference begins at 1 pm on
Thursday November 9 and concludes at 4:30 pm on Friday November
The conference will showcase the key component of the project, The
FANS Workshop, which has been presented to parents throughout the
state over 1,200 times in the past three years.
At the conference, you will experience and participate in The FANS
Workshop and a training session for workshop presenters, and will
learn how you can initiate a similar project in your own region, using
a generic version of the FANS videotape. There will be discussion of
the nuts and bolts of the project, including issues like budgets and
funding, databases, materials distribution, and recruitment and
training of workshop leaders.
The following local expenses will be covered by our National
Science Foundation grant for a limited number of participants:
registration, all materials, meals (dinner, breakfast, and lunch), and
lodging for one night at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Piscataway,
New Jersey.
If you have any questions, please call Kerstin Schnatter at
732/445-2894, or email