First National FANS Conference

November 11-12, 1999

Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Fifty leaders in mathematics and science education from twenty states gathered on November 11-12 at Rutgers University to learn about The FANS Project and to discuss how they could adapt The FANS Project for their own regions and states.

During the Conference, they experienced The FANS Workshop and the FANS Workshop Leader Training Session, and they discussed the various nitty-gritty issues that need to be addressed by anyone planning a FANS-like parent-outreach project. They attended sessions on administrative issues, on budgetary issues, and on materials issues, and they developed "action plans" for implementing a FANS-like project during the coming months.

A "generic" version of the videotape was subsequently developed for use in other states, based on suggestions made at the conference, and FANS workshops have taken place in Florida, New Mexico, Washington, and other states.

At the Conference, officials from AT&T presented a check for $100,000 to the co-Directors of The FANS Project, the second installment in AT&T's total grant of $200,000 in support of FANS.

Conference participants

Conference participants
(click for more info)

Check presentation

Check presentation

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