Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical Sciences Enterprise
July 6 - July 16, 1999


Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Joseph Rosenstein, DIMACS, Rutgers University, joer@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Rochelle Leibowitz, Wheaton College, rochelle_leibowitz@wheatonma.edu


Pierre Hansen, University of Montreal, pierreh@crt.umontreal.ca
Lidia Luquet, St. Mary's College, lluquet@stmarys-ca.edu
Stephen B. Maurer, Swarthmore College, smaurer1@swarthmore.edu
Joseph O'Rourke,Smith College, orourke@cs.smith.edu
Illeana Streinu, Smith College, streinu@cs.smith.edu
R. Gregory Taylor, New Jersey City University, rgtaylor@interactive.net
Ronald (Chuck) Tiberio, Wellesly High School, tiberio@tiac.net

Participant List

Gerald W. Adkins, Georgia College & State University, gadkins@mail.gcsu.edu
Kathy J. Andrews, Hillsdale College, kathy.andrews@ac.hillsdale.edu
Harel Barzilai, Lynchburg College, barzilai@digital-web.net
Jennifer Beineke, Trinity College, jbeineke@trincoll.edu
Keith Brandt, Missouri Western State Col., brandtke@mwsc.edu
Marjorie A. Darrah, Alderson-Broaddus College, darrah@ab.edu
Bhaskar DasGupta, Rutgers University/Dimacs, bhaskar@crab.rutgers.edu
Jane Friedman, University of San Diego, janef@acusd.edu
Katherine M. Gerber, Emory and Henry College, gerberk@ehc.edu
Nancy L. Hagelgans, Ursinus College, nhagelgans@acad.ursinus.edu
Alexander Kheyfits, Bronx Community College, alexander.kheyfits@bcc.cuny.edu
Marcella Laddon, Cabrillo College,
T. S. Michael, U.S. Naval Academy, tsm@nadn.navy.mil
Terry Michnowicz, New Jersey City University, tmichnowicz@njcu.edu
Carl D. Mueller, Georgia Southwestern State, cmueller@canes.gsw.edu
Susan M. Nerton, Cabrillo College, sunerton@cabrillo.cc.ca.us
Val Pinciu, Southern Connecticut State, pinciu@scsu.ctstateu.edu
Samath Ramnath, St. Cloud State University, sarnath@ceyore.stcloudstate.edu
Nancy Rodgers, Hanover College, rodgers@hanover.edu
Craig Turner, Georgia College & State U, cturner@mail.gcsu.edu
XinLong Weng, University of Bridgeport, xinlong@bridgeport.edu
Allison Wolf , Edgewood College, wolfa@wabash.edu
Connie Yu, Penn State University,, xky@psu.edu

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Updated 04/02/01