The Center for Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science
Reconnect Satellite Conference 2003:
Salem State College
Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical Sciences Enterprise
Dates: June 15 - June 21, 2003
(Sunday evening through Saturday afternoon)
Maura Murray, Salem State College, mmurray@salemstate.edu
Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Judy Walker, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, jwalker@math.unl.edu
Guest Speakers
2003-2005 Reconnect Organizers
Jonathan Berry, Lafayette College, berryjw@cs.lafayette.edu
Lidia Luquet, St. Mary's College, lluquet@stmarys-ca.edu
Asamoah Nkwanta, Morgan State University, nkwanta@jewel.morgan.edu
Participant List
Anusha Anantharaju, Salem State College, a_anantharaju@salemstate.edu
Julie Belock, Salem State College, julie.belock@salemstate.edu
Christopher Boucher, Salem State College, christopher.boucher@salemstate.edu
Zhongyuan Che, Wesleyan University, zche@wesleyan.edu
Yong S. Colen, Hawken School, ycole@hawken.edu
Joyce Blair Crowell, Belmont University, crowellj@mail.belmont.edu
Pranava K. Jha, St. Cloud State University, pkjha@stcloudstate.edu
Matthew Koetz, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, mkoetz@math.unl.edu
Martha Kuklinski, Salem State College, martha.kuklinski@salemstate.edu
Steven Leonhardi, Winona State University, sleonhardi@winona.edu
Jillian McLeod, Mount Holyoke College, jmcleod@mtholyoke.edu
Ann Moskol, Rhode Island College, Amoskol@ric.edu
Sarah Newcomb, Salem State College, s_newc@yahoo.com
Peter Ohring, Purchase College, SUNY, peter@purchase.edu
Sharon Persinger, Bronx Community College, sharon.persinger@bcc.cuny.edu
Jenny Salazar, Texas Lutheran University, jsalazar@tlu.edu
Gary Salazar, Trinity University, gsalazar@trinity.edu
Jim Sauerberg, Saint Mary's College, jsauerbe@stmarys-ca.edu
Updated June 12, 2003