The Center for Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science

Reconnect Satellite Conference 2003:
Illinois Institute of Technology

Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical Sciences Enterprise

Dates: July 16 - July 23, 2003
(A break day will be provided in between the program schedule)



F.R. McMorris, Illinois Institute of Technology, mcmorris@iit.edu
Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu


K. Brooks Reid, California State University San Marcos, breid@csusm.edu

Guest Speakers

Henry Martyn Mulder, Erasmus University Rotterdam, hmmulder@few.eur.nl

2003-2005 Reconnect Organizers

Jonathan Berry, Lafayette College, berryjw@cs.lafayette.edu
Lidia Luquet, St. Mary's College, lluquet@stmarys-ca.edu


Participant List

Atif Abueida, University of Dayton, Atif.Abueida@notes.udayton.edu
Michael Ackerman, Bellarmine University, mackerman@bellarmine.edu
Erin M. Boyer, Dartmouth College, erin.boyer@dartmouth.edu
Sul-young Choi, LeMoyne College, SulYoung@lemoyne.edu
Peter R. Christopher, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, peterrc@wpi.edu
Yong S. Colen, Hawken School, ycole@hawken.edu
Benjamin V.C. Collins, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, collinbe@uwplatt.edu
Dawit Haile, Virginia State University, dhaile@vsu.edu
Daniel J. Hrozencik, Chicago State University, dhro@att.net
Pranava K. Jha, St. Cloud State University, pkjha@stcloudstate.edu
Mark A. Mills, Central College, millsm@central.edu
Oscar Ortega, Illinois Institute of Technology, orteosc@iit.edu
Michael Pelsmajer, Illinois Institute of Technology, pelsmajer@iit.edu
Shrisha Rao, Mount Mercy College, srao@mmc.mtmercy.edu
Shane Redmond, Southeastern Louisiana University, sredmond@selu.edu
Zhizhang Shen, Plymouth State College, zshen@mail.plymouth.edu
Boting Yang, University of Regina, Boting.Yang@uregina.ca

Updated July 8, 2003