Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical Sciences Enterprise
June 19 - June 30, 2000


Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Joseph Rosenstein, DIMACS, Rutgers University, joer@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Rochelle Leibowitz, Wheaton College, rochelle_leibowitz@wheatonma.edu


Lawrence Gray, University of Minnesota, gray@math.umn.edu
Catherine McGeoch, Amherst College, ccm@cs.amherst.edu

Participant List

Zhongyuan Che, Wesleyan University, zche@wesleyan.edu
Yong S. Colen, Monroe College, ysc13@columbia.edu
Michael Daven, Mount Saint Mary College, daven@msmc.edu
Lynne Doty, Marist College, Lynne.Doty@marist.edu
Stephanie Edwards, Bemidji State University, spedward1@vax1.bemidji.msus.edu
Michael L. Gargano, Pace University, mgargano@pace.edu
Michael R. Gargano, Stevens Institute of Technology, mgargano@stevens-tech.edu
Mark C. Ginn, Appalachian State University, mcg@math.appstate.edu
John M. Harris, Appalachian State University, jmh@math.appstate.edu
Sharon Hill, Rowan University, shill@rowan.edu
Alexander Kheyfits, Bronx Community College / CUNY, alexander.kheyfits@bcc.cuny.edu
Peter Krog, Marist College, Peter.Krog@marist.edu
Tracey McGrail, Marist College, tracey.mcgrail@marist.edu
Margaret Morrow, SUNY - Plattsburgh, margaret.morrow@plattsburgh.edu
Samuel Northshield, SUNY - Plattsburgh, samuel.northshield@plattsburgh.edu
Vinhthuy Phan, SUNY - Stony Brook, phan@cs.sunysb.edu
Gregory Rhoads, Appalachian State University, gsr@math.appstate.edu
Melkamu Zeleke, William Patterson University, zelekem@wpunj.edu

DIMACS Home Page

Updated June 22, 2000