Fwd: Sharing (New AP Topics)

Sanderson Smith (Sanderson_Smith@cate.org)
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 09:32:04 -0800

Hi DREIers...
This is a copy of a note I just put on the AP Statistics ListServe. It might be of some interest to those of you who are
involved with AP Statistics.

Jan. 2, 1999

Hi group...

As you know, the following topics are now part of the AP Statistics syllabus.

Type I errors
Type II errors
Power of a Test

These are not particularly easy topics for students to grasp and understand. In an effort to help my AP Statistics students
(and, for that matter, members of the math dept. who have never taught statistics) to gain an appreciation and understanding of
these topics, I have prepared a four page article that I will be distributing to my students when it comes time to introduce
the three concepts. Basically, the article displays a simple example that illustrates the concepts, and then shows a more
detailed example involving a hypothetical quality control situation.

Since I have literally cut and taped things to a Word document, this is not something I can send via. attachment. Also, I
don't claim that this manuscript is great or that it will be helpful or useful to you. I think it is possible that it might be
useful to teachers relatively new to AP Statistics, and it represents something that could be copied and distributed to
students (which is what I plan to do.)

I would be happy to share this article for those who might like a copy. If you would like to take a risk and see the
manuscript, you can send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope. (Remember... a postage stamp is 33 cents as of Jan. 4). I
will insert a copy (2 pages, double-sided) of the article and return it to you. My address: Sanderson M. Smith, Cate School,
1960 Cate Mesa Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013.

Again, I make no claims for this creation. I offer it up simply in the spirit of sharing.

-Best wishes to all for a great 1999.

Sanderson M. Smith