- Daniella
On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Patrick Carney wrote:
> I just learned something that fascinated me and thought I would pass it on. I
> was typing in MS Word (which many of you received as part of DREI96 and
> others may have at home or school. I discovered when you type the standard
> smiley [ i.e., :-) ], it is programmed to convert it to the circular face
> with the smile that people are used to seeing and it is right side up. So
> naturally I tried :-( and got the circle face with a frown. In the great view
> of the impportant issues of this world, this is probably meaningless but I
> found it interesting and wondered if anyone knows of any more things like
> this that are in there.
> As ever,
> Bro. Pat Carney