Of course, the rest of my page is notupdated but my school one at the site
listed below is! Extremely busy. Sorry I haven't written back to any of
you. I'm getting there. Kathy, congratulations on your new job. I'll write
School is somewhat better, but my NTnetwork is hard to handle because of
my lack of knowledge! Oh well, I'll learn eventually! My students are
great but five preps is miserable.
I was awarded one of the site licenses from Microsoft on their grant
program. For 30 stations the Sudio 97 enterprize edition is worth about
$14,000. Why don't some of you go for it. Go to the site at:
http://academicoop.isu.edu/ and you can see the visual success team photo
under the high school section. We will be in Ft. Worth in October, at the
Florida computer/technology conference in March in Orlando and at NECC in
San Diego in June presenting. The project development is progressing and
hopefully you'll be able to see our work by January.
Lou we had some problems with the new server hard drives and they are
sending us new ones. As soon as it is running, I'll set up the reflector
for the CuSeeme project.
Everyone take care and keep in touch. Thinking of all of you warmly!
Roseann R. Krane, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA 94526
Computer Science Department 510-552-2859