SC97 blurb

Roseann Krane (
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 17:35:06 -0700 (PDT)

My apologies for not explaining! SuperComputing97 is a terrific conference
sponsored by IEEE. Teachers can receive funding for travel and lodging
and this comes from the US Dept of Education and the National Science
Foundation. Read the blurb below to see what it is about this year. Not
mentioned in the blurb, one of the best parts of the conference is the
floor with all the supercomputer vendors, US DOE Labs, Universities, etc.

Roseann Krane,
"All students are different, schools should make them more so!"

You are invited to participate in the SC97 Education Program to be
held at the San Jose Convention Center November 15 - 19, 1997. The
Education Program is part of the larger SC97 conference where the
latest research and development in computing technology will be

The Education Program is designed to give K-12 teachers,
administrators, university professors, educational software
researchers, community technology leaders and others a three-day
intensive experience with the tools and techniques of high performance
computing and networking as applied in the education domain. The
theme of this year's program is "The Role of Technology in Lifelong
Learning." Slots are still open for participation. The cost of
registration for the full program is $200.00.

Wednesday, November 19, is the final day of the Education Program and
it includes two workshops designed specifically for K-12 teachers and
administrators. These workshops deal with strategic planning for the
introduction and use of technology in schools. They will be followed by
a luncheon and a tour of the Research Exhibits. The cost of registration
for just the final day of the Education Program is $50.00.

If you are interested in registering for the Education, please contact
Wendy Tulman, Boston University at (617) 353-7800 or

For more information about the conference and a complete listing of the
final program, see

For full program attendees, there will be a reception on Saturday November
15 and a luncheon on Sunday November 16.

Enclosed below is a list of scheduled presentations with abstracts:


Mathematical Modeling

Dick Allen, Sandia National Laboratories; Paula Avery, Moriarty High
School, New Mexico; Jill Snyder, Sandia National Laboratories

Mathematical modeling is the process of creating a mathematical representation
of some phenomenon in order to gain a better understanding of that phenomenon.
Presenters will illustrate the math modeling process by examining several
modeling examples. Participants will computationally implement and examine
these models in a laboratory setting. Once the participants use their model
to answer questions, they will be asked to critically examine and modify the
model to obtain a more accurate reflection of the observed reality of that
phenomenon, thus illustrating that mathematical modeling is an evolving

Transforming Teaching for the 21st Century

Lisa Bievenue, NCSA; Donna Cauley, Andalusia High School, Andalusia,
AL; Edna Gentry, ASPIRE

The current structure of schooling is based on models developed early in
this century when an industrial society required merely skilled and
literate workers. However, schools must move into the Information Age in
which the average person changes careers every 5-10 years and life-long
learning is critical for success. This paper presents an interpretation of
what it means to transform the way one teaches. The authors will describe
their vision of education in the 21st century and then discuss the features
of those classrooms that facilitate this kind of teaching and learning.
Finally, web-based materials that might enable teachers to move toward such
a "transformed" classroom will be presented.

Webwisdom: Architecture of Web-based Training and Education System

Geoffrey Fox, NPAC at Syracuse University

We describe briefly a set of experiments using Web technologies in a
variety of education and training scenarios. We deduce from our and
others' experiences a set of requirements for Web-based education and
training systems which we use in the design of WebWisdom, whose
architecture and capabilities are described. We discuss applications
in K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, and Continuing Education arenas and
include asynchronous and synchronous distance education.

Toward Defining a SuperWeb

Beau Fly Jones, Ohio Supercomputer Center, Ohio State University

This paper argues that most educational web sites are designed to transmit
information and/or communication through various types of discussion and
collaboration. Some web sites have useful tools and activities for projects,
but these more typically are project-based teaching. In contrast, a SuperWeb
supports project-based learning. It is designed to promote engaged learning
through sustained work on authentic tasks, rich content focused on higher
order objectives, and powerful, performance-based assessments. Such a site
also provides templates, tools, and databases for teachers to design such
projects. The paper outlines some characteristics of SuperWebs, suggests a
strategy for building them, and invites national discussion to improve the
models of learning underlying web designs.

Instructional Design Issues Surrounding Development of Online Training

Melissa Kelly, National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Web-based training currently taking place allows limited interaction among
students. Rather than being isolated participants who log into a system,
obtain course materials, complete and return them, participants could
potentially benefit more by learning in a 3D environment which would allow
for much greater interaction and a sense of learning as part of a group.
This paper discusses design issues encountered in developing a Virtual
Reality Modeling Language (VRML) course which will be taught via the World
Wide Web. The audience will be K-12 teachers who will develop VRML
curricular applications for their classrooms.

Computational Physics: A Course, a Book, and Web Tutorials

Rubin Landau, Physics, Oregon State University

A university level course in Computational Physics has been
developed. A book, Computational Physics, Problem Solving with
Computers, based on this course has been published, and an extensive
(and free) collection of multimedia interactive Web tutorials
(sonifications, animations, and applets) which enhance the book and
the course have been developed. Web tutorials topics include Monte
Carlo Techniques, Sounds of Oscillating Systems, The Chaotic Pendulum
with Java, HPC Libes in High School Physics, ODEs & Oscillations,
Radioactive Decay Simulations, and the Web Geiger Counter.

MPI on Line: A Teaching Environment for MPI

Elspeth Minty, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre

As interest in technologies such as MPI continues to grow it becomes
increasingly challenging for educators to meet the demand for training
material. MPI On-line is a virtual distance learning environment for
MPI combining presentation methods like streamed audio with
animations, Java demonstrations and programming exercises. MPI On-line
also includes a tutorial system which provides the tutor with a copy
of the students MPI On-line environment allowing the tutor to
"virtually" look over the students shoulder. The MPI On-line learning
environment is being put to the test in a UK wide MPI course which
EPCC is organising during September 1997.

Internet in the K-12 Classroom: The Realities of Technology Transfer

Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Punyashloke Mishra, National Center for
Supercomputer Applications

Exploring the Link between "Real" and "Virtual" Experiences
in the Classroom with VRML and 3D Modeling

E. K. Schroeder, Illinois State Museum, Illinois; T. M. Bulka,
Northern High School, Maryland; D. A. Emigh, Quinebaug Valley
Community Technical College, Connecticut; B. A. Andersen, Peterson
Elementary School, Montana; D. A. Chapman, National Center for
Supercomputing Applications, Illinois; R. L. Fixen, Montana State
University, Montana; J. A. Leggett, Wilson Middle School, Illinois;
U. Thakkar, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Illinois;
R. S. Toomey, Illinois State Museum, Illinois

Recent advances in hardware and software technology have made the
ability to create and view computer-created three-dimensional objects
or "worlds" more available to classroom situations. The question now
is how to best utilize these methods to enhance the educational
experience. One way to strengthen the effectiveness of the total
virtual experience is to compare and contrast the computer-generated
experience with real-world experiences. This presentation consists of
some examples of classroom applications of 3D modeling as an extension
to real-world experiences, and some examples of future directions.

STEP: A Case Study on Building a Bridge between HPC Technologies and
the Secondary Classroom

Kris Stewart, Janet Bowers, San Diego State University

This paper discusses a recent case study conducted on a three year
National Science Foundation in-service program called the
Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program (STEP). The goal is to
document aspects of the STEP model that have enabled the program to
build an enduring bridge between the technologies, researchers and
staff of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and over forty
secondary science and mathematics teachers and the learning
environment of their classrooms. The historical background of
Internet use for computational science starting in 1993, one year
before the WWW Browsers were introduced, and continuing today provides
an additional context for analysis.

The Network Montana Project: Summary of Materials Development Activities

David A. Thomas, Montana State University

During its first year, the Network Montana Project developed a
collection of materials on the theme Earth System Science. A distance
learning course entitled "Internet-based Earth System Science
Instruction"; was developed to train teachers in the use of these
materials. The two credit, 580 level course is available through the
National Teachers Enhancement Network Project at Montana State
University. During its second year, NMP added additional materials on
the theme Mountain Environments. A course entitled Internet-based
Mountain Environment Instruction is currently under development and
will be offered for the first time in January of 1998. This paper
presents an overview of these materials and how they were

Using the WWW to Support Collaboration between Students and Scientists: The
Portals Project

Kallen Tsikalas, Katherine McMillan, Center for Children & Technology, EDC;
Peggy Larisch, Silver High School, Silver City, NM; Bruce Bennett, North
Polk High School, Alleman, IA

When it comes to learning, research has shown over and again that context
is key. Learning is increased when there are ongoing opportunities for
students to participate in rich, collaborative discourse and when children
engage in authentic activities. As the Internet, particularly the web,
becomes more reliable and more accessible to schools and students, it
increases the possibilities for learning conversations. Simply providing a
good medium in which to "talk" (to collaborate), however, in no way
guarantees the quality of the conversation. This session surveys web-based
collaboration environments for education, describes Portals, and introduces
a BOF session led by teachers.

Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics: Lessons
Learned and Future Directions for a Computational Science
Internet Project

Mary Ellen Verona, Susan Ragan, Maryland Virtual High School

The Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics which
began in October 1994 faced many hurdles as it installed networks in
schools with little technical expertise and then trained teachers and
students to manage them. MVHS produced 15 schools which had
integrated the Internet into instruction, teachers leaders who had
written computational science instructional activities and additional
teachers anxious to continue their progress in implementing such
activities. MVHS and other computational science initiatives can best
be understood in the context of science education research. MVHS
CoreModels, funded by NSF in 1997, will apply lessons learned from
this research and the original MVHS project. A professional
development model positioning the master teacher as a coach in the
participating teachers classroom, will support teachers.


Authoring Problems by Students for Students: An Advanced Physics High
School Project Laboratory

M. E. Hinton, Urbana High School, Urbana, IL; A. J. Fleming, Champaign
Centennial High School, Champaign, IL; A. W. Hubler, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; U. Thakkar, NCSA

Students in Advanced Physics classes at Champaign Centennial and
Urbana High Schools in Illinois are writing innovative physics
problems using Web-based CyberProf software developed at University of
Illinois. This project-centered activity involves all students in the
two classes as designers, developers, and tutors; a physics
problem-solving community results. By designing physics problems,
students deepen their understanding of fundamental concepts. Emphasis
is on students' process of developing and refining conceptual problems
for their peers. These problems also can be tutorials for first-year
physics stu dents. Assessment was conducted by peer- and
self-evaluation. SC97 session participants will use CyberProf and see
students' work.

Fractal Analysis From Patterns in Nature: Experimental and Computer Analysis

Elizabeth (Tommi) Holsenbeck, Jefferson Davis High School, Montgomery, AL;
Jane Jones, J. O. Johnson High School, Huntsville, AL

The workshop will be a study of "Fractals in Nature" drawn from a NSF
Workshop at Boston University's Polymer Center. Participants will
measure coastlines and then imitate these structures using computer
simulations and measure their fractal dimension. Similar patterns
will be formed experimentally using a copper sulfate solution and
growing electrochemical depositions. A computer program "Aggregation"
will also simulate the "random dance" of the ions to build a fractal
pattern. Other fractal programs, student activity guides and other
patterns in nature will be emphasized.


Cynthia Lanius, Milby High School, Houston, TX; Susan Boone, Saint Agnes
Academy, Houston, TX

Where do you go to find curricular materials on the Web for
mathematics and science? How can you publish your own materials? This
presentation will answer your questions as we explore math and science
lessons and resources on the World Wide Web. Participants will publish
their own favorite lesson. Susan Boone and Cynthia Lanius, through a
program called "GirlTECH", train teachers in the Houston area to use
the Web in this way. In their presentation they will describe how
girls use computers differently from boys, and explore some strategies
for increasing girls' interest.

Chickscope: An Innovative World Wide Laboratory for K-12 Classrooms

Clinton S. Potter, Umesh Thakkar, National Center for Supercomputing
Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

In the Spring of 1996, we initiated Chickscope, a chick embryonic
development project, to demonstrate the remote control of a magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) instrument through the World Wide Web (Bruce et al.,
1997). For 21 days, ten classrooms ranging from kindergarten to high school
participated in Chickscope. At SC-97 we will provide an overview of the
Chickscope pilot along with plans for a national scale program and
illustrate a variety of ways of using ChickScope materials (such as
previously acquired images from the MRI database) support of learning and
teaching in classrooms by students and teachers.

Project CERES: Bringing NASA Resources into the Classroom
Stephanie Stevenson, George Tuthill, Dave Thomas, Timothy Slater,
Montana State University

The NASA CERES Project of Montana State University-Bozeman designed an
on-line and interactive K-12 space-science adventure. Together teachers
and scientists formulated a variety of self-directed lessons,
collaborative group investigations, and assessment ideas closely aligned
with the National Science Education Standards. Using a variety of
developmentally appropriate lessons at all levels this spacequest
focuses on fundamental questions about the solar system and the universe
Under the guidance of CERES staff individuals taking part in this
Hands-on Laboratory will have ample opportunity for the exploration of
the curricular materials which use exciting and accessible on-line NASA
resources, data and images. URL:

MATLAB in the Science Classroom

Charlotte M. Trout, Maryland Virtual High School; Don Shaffer, Maryland
Virtual High School

The MATLAB in the Science Classroom workshop will include activities
fro m across the high school science curriculum which use MATLAB and
other computational tools. Participants will examine a range of
applications and receive materials which they can use in their
classrooms. Activities will include analyzing global CO2, temperature
and precipitation anomalies to investigate global warming, analyzing
oyster population and disease data, examining periodic relationships
using a database of element properties, determining the frequency
spectrum produced by various musical instruments, exploring the
addition of waves as well as an earthquake epicenter location
simulation and an ocean contours model.

Designing Web Pages that are Universally Accessible

Beth Ann Ziebarth, University of Illinois Cooperative Extension
Service; Edna Gentry, ASPIRE; Donna Cauley, Andalusia High School,
Andalusia, AL

As the World Wide Web and high performance computing become one,
emphasis is being placed on designing web pages which are accessible
for a wider range of users, including people with text-only browsers
or slow connections, people without AV capabilities on their computer,
people with helper applications missing, and people with disabilities.
The goal of this presentation is to assist web page designers in
making their page more universally accessible while maintaining the
attractiveness and versatility of the page. By employing the web
design guidelines and recommendations found in this demonstration, web
page designers will be aware of including alternative methods of
viewing, hearing, and responding.


Strategic Planning and Management Process: An approach for K-12
Education Organizations

Ralph Annina, Allied Computer Group

Strategic Planning For Integrating Technology into the Schools

Carol Doherty, Center for Innovation in Urban Education, Northeastern
University; Louis Kruger, Counseling, Psychology and Rehabilitation,
Northeastern University; Gregory Tutunjian, Independent Software

Participants will be introduced to a collaborative planning model
designed to assist school districts in finding solutions to their
educational technology needs. Using the knowledge base of a broad
range of school staff this model can be used to address a variety of
strategic planning decisions, solve problems and develop long range


Tessellation Tutorials
Suzanne Alejandre, Math Forum

The Internet World's Fair by a K-6 School
Deanna Alexander, Fisher Grade School, Fisher, IL; Melissa Kelly, NCSA

Tessellation Tutorials
Suzanne Alejandre, Math Forum

Online K-12 Earth System Science Lessons that Use Web Resources
Brian Beaudrie, Timothy Slater, Dave Thomas, Montana State University

Use of the CAVE in Promoting Safe Street Crossing
Patricia Brown, Columbia Elementary School, Champaign, IL; Georgette
Moore, Yankee Ridge Elementary School, Urbana, IL

Cyber Mummy VR
Renee Cooper, Pamela Van Walleghen, Urbana Middle School, Urbana, IL

Basic Aerodynamics Software Lab
John D. Eigenauer, NASA Lewis Research Center

Virtual Reality Technology Enhances Learning for Interdisciplinary
Studies on the Missouri River
Carol Engelman, Ralston High School, Omaha, NE; Elaine Westbrook,
Omaha North High School, Omaha, NE

Fusion of Art and Technology
Kathy Felling, Karen Ciprari-Murphy, Fulton County Board of Education,
Atlanta, GA

Implementing the National Science Education K-12 Standards Using NASA
WEB Resources
Robert Fixen, Timothy Slater, George Tuthill, Stephanie Stevenson,
Montana State University

Entry-level Virtual Reality
Jane Leggett, Wilson Middle School, Moline, IL

NASA Lewis Learning Technologies Program
Beth Lewandowski, NASA Lewis Research Center

The National Education Supercomputer Program
Brian Lindow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Multiple Representations of the Periodic System of Elements: The
Design and Evaluation of a Multimedia Hypertext
Punyashloke Mishra, NCSA

Virtual Reality at the Jersey Shore
Alan Sills, West Essex Regional High School

Yohkoh Public Outreach Project: Using the Web and HPCC for Life-long
Timothy Slater, Montana State University; Marion French, Kansas State
University; Donna Governor, Escambia County School
District, Pensacola, FL

Earth System Science High School Classroom Applications Using
Scientific Visualization and Distance Learning Experiences
Robert Smith, Michael Porter, Terry Parker High School, Jacksonville,

Collaborative Environments and Technology

Beau Fly Jones, Ohio Supercomputer Center; Geoffrey Fox, NPAC,
Syracuse University; David Emugh, NCSA

This panel will address the issue of the development of collaborative
learning environments, the associated
technologies, and hidden problems in their use.

Standards, Frameworks and Technology Planning for Schools

Ralph Annina, Allied Computer Group; Carol Doherty, Center for
Innovation in Urban Education

This panel will address the issues surrounding the impact of national
math, science and technology education
standards on technology planning for schools.

The Future Impact of the National Partnerships in Computational
Infrastructure on Education

Roscoe C. Giles, Boston University; John Ziebarth, NCSA

This panel will focus on the next decade of HPC and its impact on
education and society. HPC has had a significant
impact in the past; we are now at a transition point developments to
be seen over the next 10 years.

Development and Assessment of Virtual Reality Materials for Education
Chris Dede, George Mason University; Robert Fixen, Montana State
University; Melissa Kelly, NCSA

This panel will evaluate the application of virtual reality technology
in the classroom and other educational settings.

Presentation of the UCES Awards

Jim Corones, AmesLab

Each year, the Department of Energy has sponsored an awards program
for excellence in undergraduate computational engineering and
science. During this panel each of the 1997 UCES awardees will make a
short presentation on his/her work and receive the UCES award. See for more information.

Internet in the K-12 Classroom: The Realities of Technology Transfer
Panelists TBA

This panel will deal with specific issues concerning the integration
of technology into the curriculum and the


Scaffolding Learning & Addressing Diversity: Technology as the Trojan

Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan

AAAS and the National Research Council have recently called for a
radical shift from didactic science instruction to a more
inquiry-based model. But, if we are going to ask kids to engage in
serious science inquiry, going beyond writing a two-page report that
they can get by copying from an encyclopedia, we need to provide them
with a whole new set of tools technology-based tools. Moreover, if we
are truly committed to educating all our children, the only way to
address the diverse needs of all these learners is via
learner-centered technology. That said, techies, from Edison with the
motion picture, to today's Net Day activities, have pounded the table
insisting that technology will change education; it hasn't, so why
should folks believe us techies this time? In this presentation,
Soloway will put forward a model of how the new technologies can and
have changed education: by working together, and by sincerely embracing
all who are involved in teaching our children, technology can be an
effective catalyst for change and it can provide new opportunities for
dealing with the age-old challenges to teaching and learning.


Elliot Soloway is a professor in the College of Engineering
(Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), the
School of Education, and the School of Information at the University
of Michigan. Previously, Soloway was an associate professor in the
Computer Science Department at Yale University until 1988. He received
his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in
1978. Currently, Soloway's research interests lie in exploring the
roles that computational technologies can play in learning and
teaching. He is involved with the Center for Highly Interactive
Computing in Education, a multi-disciplinary activity at UM focused on
using technologies to bring about sustainable school reform. He
co-directs the Investigators' Workshop Project, where an integrated
suite of tools to support all phases of student-initiated science
inquiry is being developed.

Sunday Luncheon Address


Special Address: Orchestrating Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Instruction to the Needs of
Science and Society

Richard Tapia, Computational and Applied Mathematics and Center for
Research on Parallel Computation, Rice University

Today's educational community is facing several serious national
challenges; including ineffective K-12 math education, the proper role
of the computational sciences and technology in a K-12 environment,
and continued extreme underrepresentation of various segments of our
population. The speaker will discuss these issues, factors which
affect them, and steps that can be taken towards improvement.


Richard Tapia is a respected scientist, a chaired professor in
computational mathematics at Rice University, and a member of the
National Academy of Engineering and the National Science Board. As
director of Education and Human Resources for the Center for Research
on Parallel Computation, he has initiated and implemented highly
successful programs to encourage involvement of underrepresented
groups in computing, mathematics, and computational sciences in the
U.S. At Rice, he serves as the associate director of minority affairs,
Office of Graduate Studies. For these and other efforts, Tapia won the
1996 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and
Engineering Mentoring.