new location

Cathleen Zucco (
Tue, 09 Sep 1997 18:25:33 -0700


Dear DREI Colleagues:

I finally got on-line today. I am no longer at the University of
North Florida, I am now teaching both mathematics and statistics courses
at Atlantic Community College in Mays Landing, New Jersey. I also had
an offer to teach in Hawaii but after I carefully considered their
offer I realized it would not have allowed me to live comfortably in
"paradise" nor would I have been able to save for retirement.
Consequently, I am not far from most of you at least for this academic

After our last reunion someone in our group was kind enough to send me
a photograph. I would like to know who to thank since the secretary at
the University of North Florida sent me just the photograph and
to send the accompanying envelope.

I briefly visited the DREI Web site. Will Iliana's notes be ready soon
as well as any other parts still under construction ? Mary Grush, the
editor at Syllabus, is still interested in having me do that article on
the DREI site. Elaine and others, please let me know the status of this

Hope to hear from you during the coming months. Anne Huff are you
receiving your DREI e-mail ? Fran, Carol, Sandy, Alan, Mary Alice,
Rosemary, Duncan, Bill, Pat, Mary, Judy, Darlene, Lisa, Jackie, Roseann,
Kate, Sherida and others let me know about your latest school projects.
Iliana, what happened with the Red Cross life guard approach to covering
a pool - does their present system use art gallery techniques ?

Will any of you be at the joint meetings of the AMS & MAA in Baltimore
in January ? Are any of you thinking of attending the NCTM national
meeting next April in Washington, D.C. ?

Take care and best wishes for the new academic year.


Cathy Zucco