
Patrick Carney (
Fri, 13 Jun 97 7:52:14 EDT

Hi all -
While we are debating the topic of plagiarism, I thought I would pass
on the fact that the NY Times had a front page article last Sunday (6/8/97)
on term papers over the net. It sees like there is a big time market both for
profit ($8.95/page) for original ones and then kids posting theirs for all to
read. I would imagine it will become harder and harder for the average
teacher to keep up with this. Of course there is no doubt that this is
plagiarism, but the question would be how to spot it other than have them do
all of the work in class. (obviously a clever kid could thwart any effort to
show outlines and preliminary drafts quite easily). It is probably still
available on the Times web site -

As ever,
Bro. Pat Carney