Re: Web lessons

Elaine Foley (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:48:34 -0400


You don't have to do anything with your lesson plan - it was only a
suggestion that those teachers who wanted to try creating a web-based
lesson plan try it so we don't end up with 5 versions of voronoi
diagrams (or Art Gallery theorems) that really don't look very
different. If you recall, Paul Burchard was supposed to be the person to
assist the teachers with creating the Java applets (or whatever) for
your lesson plans. The Math Forum folks have always offered their help
for any teacher who wanted to somehow utilize web resources (sites to
visit, etc.) as part of their lesson plan or actually create a math
applet that would be interactive (like Paul's numeroscope which uses
input from the user and sound as part of the lesson):

To experiment with these questions and develop some intuition, try out
my "Numeroscope" on the web at:

I hope this explains what we mean by web-based lesson plans.

Jackie Singleton wrote:
> Dear Chuck and all
> I too have been looking for some motes to clarify the difference between
> the two types of lessons. If my lesson (already on the template) is say
> a 'paper lesson', what do I do with it now? I am not clear on the
> direction you are taking. I'm sorry that I missed the meeting where
> this was discussed but could someone explain "What are we doning?"
> Jackie Singleton