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From: "Teacher Talk" <TTalk@MathCentral.uregina.ca>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 15:16:05 -0400 (EDT)
To: "Teacher Talk" <TTalk@MathCentral.uregina.ca>
Subject: position available
Hello.I'm posting information regarding the 2.8 positions available in the
Scarsdale High School Math department. Scarsdale is a suburb of New York
City. The salary scale goes from 36,507 (entry level-no experience, and
just a BA) to 90,902 (15 years of service and a doctorite). Interested
candidates should have NYS certification in high school math, and the
ability to teach all levels of high school math. Experience in teaching high
school level is desirable.
Please send resumes to :
Dr. Joan Webber
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
Scarsdale Public Schools
2 Brewster Road
Scarsdale NY, 10583
In a couple of weeks, the search committee (which consists of three other
teachers and myself) will go through the resumes, and call a dozen or so
individuals for interviews.
I have been teaching here for 13 years, and it is really a terrific place
with an extremely supportive administration, and highly motivated students.
Bob Arrigo
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visit the PCTM web site at: http://home.ptd.net/~pctm/main.html
visit the Puzzle of the Week (POW) page at:
Judy Ann Brown
Pleasant Valley Middle School
Brodheadsville, Pa 18322