DOes anyone know what I would have to do to make a laptop work on our
Sharpp projector. I have a parent who has a presentation but we get no
picture. It works fine from any of our PCs, but nothing from her laptop. I
vaguely remember Chuck hitting some button during the summer and I know
Elaine had it working 2 weeks ago. However, I have never really orked with =
laptop. Any help woul dbe appreciated.=20
Bro. Pat Carney
P.S. Before you ask -- no, she has no manual with it. :-(</x-quoted>
Bro. Pat
I know with my MAC laptop on the toolbar on the bottom you have to click on=
video image sharing. Sometimes after doing this you need to restart the c=
omputer to get the image to show up. Hope this helps.
Kathi Haines<x-quoted>
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