charter schools town hall meeting

Roseann Krane (
Wed, 09 Apr 1997 14:10:38 -0700

For Chuck and anyone else interested:

Public Education" is the title of this month's Satellite
Town Meeting, which will be broadcast on April 15 from
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Eastern time).

You are invited to join this live teleconference, which will
be hosted by Secretary Richard Riley & Assistant Secretary for
Elementary & Secondary Education Gerry Tirozzi. Guests
featured in the program include...

> Mr. Michael J. Fox, Director, Museum of North Arizona in
Flagstaff, Arizona

> Dr. Ginger Hovenic, Director, Clear View Elementary
Charter School in Chula Vista, California

> Dr. Mary Lou McGrath, Superintendent, Cambridge Public
Schools in Cambridge, Massachusetts

> Ms. Deborah Taliaferro, Parent & Co-President, Bradford
Academy PTA in Montclair, New Jersey.

They will discuss...

* How parents, teachers, school administrators &
communities can create innovative schools that can
improve teaching & learning in the public school system

* How charter & magnet schools give parents & students more

* How decision-making & accountability in charter & magnet
schools differ from traditional management

* What states, school districts & communities are doing to
promote charter & magnet schools.

A videotape of innovative & award-winning school designs
offered by New American Schools will be shown during the
broadcast, which comes to you from the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce in Washington, D.C.

How You Can Join the Town Meeting

You can participate in the Satellite Town Meeting by calling during
the live teleconference and asking your question of the Secretary
and his guests.

To find out if the Town Meeting is being broadcast regularly, you
may want to call your local cable access station. If not, you
might ask them to broadcast the program. Many cable access
stations are willing to broadcast free programs like this if
requested by a community member.

It is also possible to organize your own downlink site on the
evening of the program. Local PBS member stations, schools,
community colleges and universities, and cable access stations are
often willing to serve as downlink sites. Just gather a group of
interested community members and join in!


The program is broadcast from 8-9:00 p.m. Eastern time. A test
pattern will be available beginning at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time. The
following satellite coordinates explain where to direct your
satellite dish to receive the April Town Meeting:

Transponder/Channel 22
Vertical Polarity
Downlink frequency 4140 MHZ
Orbital location 103 degrees West
Audio subcarriers 6.2 (Spanish) and 6.8 (English)
**(Note: GE1 is where Telstar 3 used to be located)**

Transponder/Channel 15
Horizontal Polarity
Downlink frequency 12068.0 MHZ
Orbital location 74 degrees West
Audio subcarriers 6.2 (Spanish) and 6.8 (English)

Please note that satellite coordinates are subject to change.
Register your participation to ensure you will be notified of any
changes by calling 1-800-USA-LEARN. For technical assistance
during or after the program please call 202-463-5912.

The Satellite Town Meeting broadcast is free and unrestricted.
Use, duplication, and distribution of these materials are
encouraged. The program is closed-captioned and simultaneously
translated into Spanish.

We appreciate your comments and questions. Write to us at:

The schedule for upcoming Satellite Town Meeting is available at:

The Satellite Town Meeting is produced in partnership with the
National Alliance of Business and the Center for Workforce
Preparation with support from the Bayer Foundation, the
Procter and Gamble Fund, Microsoft, Inc., and SC Johnson Wax.
Broadcast and cable partners include Discovery Communications,
the Public Broadcasting System, and Channel One.