Re: information, please
breuche (
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 21:53:52 -0500
Chuck Biehl wrote:
> Would everyone pease respond to the folowing questions and reply to me?
> 1. Where do you do your email? (School, home, friend's house, the Y,
> etc.)
> 2. How frequently do you do email? (Every hour, once a day, etc.)
> 3. Is your customary email text based (eg Pine) or graphic based(eg
> Netscape mail)?
> 4. Is it true that no word in the English language rhymes with the word
> "month"? (fun fact... or un-fact)
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl
> The Charter School of Wilmington
> (v)302-651-2727 (f)302-652-1246
> Chuck,
I do my e-mail from home, using netscape, 4 to 5 days a week. I usually
go away for the weekend so I do not have the ability to pick up my
e-mail until the week day.
When I was five years old and mithing my two front teeth I was able to
rhyme a word with month, but that only happened onth in my life.