Re: lessons
Chuck Biehl (
Fri, 28 Mar 1997 08:54:30 -0500
Bill Garrett wrote:
> Chuck Biehl wrote:
> > There are two things I've notived in talking with people about lesson
> > plans and seeing/hearing some of your lessons. First, there is only so
> > much material to build lessonplans on, so there is some overlap in
> > content. Second, we have the possibility of preparing lessons for both
> > paper use and internet use. Combining these two, I submit the following
> > question: could we somehow break down our groups of folks in order to
> > provide a set of CG plans for paper use and another set that would be
> > used tight off the web?
> In reading your posting and thinking about it I wonder if we should have
> some kind of a tree structure that starts in each category (Art Gallery,
> Voronoi Diagrams, etc.) with an general explanation of the topic for the
> benefit of the teacher (rather than each lesson explain Voronoi Diagrams
> in general, do it once as an overview) and then two branches, one for
> paper and another for the web with specific applications of the topic.
> Links would connect an application that has both modes.
> Bill
I think this is an excellent idea, and goes well with our original plan
about the strucutre of our web site. What do others think?
L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl
The Charter School of Wilmington
(v)302-651-2727 (f)302-652-1246