What I meant is that you should create a separate directory for WinZip
(and an icon) so that you can just click on it to unzip files.
I also have a separate directory of storing webfiles (I jsut like to
have stuff i get off the web separate from any of my other files). When
I save a file off the web I just make sure I save it in that directory.
As a precaution some people actually save files they get off the web
onto floppies (and then check just the floppy for viruses). Guess you
can tell I'm not that type of person. Got a virus once (Magellan) and
just had to clean up the hard drive afterwards. Best to beware though.
breuche wrote:
> Elaine Foley wrote:
> >
> > Caroline Caswell wrote:
> > >
> > > Anyone
> > > I tried to read Ethel's attachment and it said I do not have a program to
> > > convert it, so how can I read it?
> >
> > Caroline,
> >
> > If you're referring to the winzip compressed file, then you just need to
> > get some decompression software - my web page has the link to a site:
> > http://www.thomson.com/brookscole/decom.html for both pc and mac. Once
> > you download the software (create a new directory for it BTW), you unzip
> > it (which mean to decompress it) in the directory. Read the readme file
> > that's in the directory which will explain how to use the software.
> > Then when you save a file such as Ethel's you can unzip it and read/use
> > it.
> >
> > ElaineDear Elaine,
> I too can't read my student's paper. So what does it mean to create a
> new directory for it BTW? What directory?
> Ethel
> E