Re: microbrewery

Bill Garrett (
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 23:54:58 -0500

Duncan Chiu wrote:
>as a matter of fact what do you think
> of this crazy idea? one of my students suggested a joint venture with me
> on microbrewery. i'll put up the money and he and his friends will
> pubicize and market the product through the Internet. at this point i
> asked him to do some research and let me know the outcome. i remember
> you had done it before. what is your take?
> anyone else has any comment?

Who's making the brewsky? Are you planning on buying an existing
concern or start from scratch? I must admit that "Chiu's Brew" has a
certain ring to it! Of course in my neck of the woods they've fired
teachers for less involvement than this with their students!! (And then
again, on the other hand there are teachers have done a lot worse and
are still collecting a check.)
