Re: Home page sites

Elaine Foley (
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 15:09:29 -0500

lou giglio wrote:
> Caroline Caswell and the rest of the gang!!
> Caroline asked about sites for home pages. The following site provides
> web page space: One of the students in my computer
> class is setting up a home page for the class at this site.
> Registration is easy.

Thanks for doing this Lou. Elaine
> Good to see all of you on saturday. I was inundated with messages today
> ! It impressed one of my colleagues. But then, he is easily impressed.
> By the way, I tried the video conferencing equipment with the software
> site. The first message was that the site was rated G. Reading further
> meant that such sites require that the participants wear shirts!!! This
> is not a logistical problem which I had considered!

Lou, I had sent an email to Sanderson and want to query you about this
as well. Would you be interested in posting information on your project
on the drei teacher's site if there was an area for it? My thought is
that every drei teacher who creates either a lesson plan (for credit or
otherwise) or project as a result of attending last summer should be
acknowledged and this would make the site truely representative of all
the DREI96 teachers' efforts. Let me know.
