I enjoyed spending the day at Rutgers with you yesterday. I was
impressed with the range of work that you all have been engaged in. I
thought I would post the web site for TappedIn, if anyone wants to
look into getting an account.
I would be happy to talk to interested people at greater length if
you would like to know more about it. There are links on the web page
that take you to a form so you can sign up to receive an account. You
can immediately log into the MUD/MOO/MUVE as a guest. I would be
interested in any reactions to this environment. I've been having a
great time "meeting" people in TappedIn.
I hope that Spring finds its way to your part of the world and that
the rest of the school year goes smoothly.
-- David
David Weksler wex@forum.swarthmore.edu
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