/lunar/u2 file system problem

Hangbiao Shi (hangbiao@dimacs.rutgers.edu)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 19:18:23 -0500

/lunar/u2 was corrupted this afternoon. Since all the home directories of
the drei96 users are on that partition, drei96 users will not be able to
access their files tonight(Feb. 20th) while system recovery is being
performed. The system is expected to be back after 11pm.

Hangbiao Shi

* Hangbiao Shi                 *  TEL:   (908)445-4592               *
* System Administrator         *  FAX:   (908)445-5932               * 
* DIMACS Center                *  MAIL:  hangbiao@dimacs.rutgers.edu *
* Rutgers University           *  WWW:   http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/  *
* New Brunswick, NJ 08855      *  PAGER: (908)519-8088               *