Just in case you've forgotten, the third follow up is scheduled for
Saturday, March 22nd. The agenda is posted at:
We'll be meeting at DIMACS, 4th floor CoRE Bldg., on the Busch Campus of
Rutgers University.
I've already asked Cheryl, the travel agent at Rutgers Travel, to call
each of our long-distance teachers about arranging for air travel, so
please call her back at (908) 445-4000 is you haven't already made your
Next week I'll be making hotel reservations for our long-distance
teachers (Darlene, Roseanne Krane, Sanderson, Alan, Carol Ann, Anne
Huffer. We have a very stringent budget now so I really can't
accommodate overnight lodging for others. I would suggest that anyone
else who would like to come up Friday night and stay over contact one of
the other teachers directly or at least let me know so that I can ask
around to see if someone would host guests overnight.
If you can't make the follow up please let me know asap.
Keep in mind that lesson plans need to be posted on the web site. If
you're planning on making a presentation at this follow up I would also
appreciate receiving a copy of your transparencies/hand-outs a week
ahead of time so that I can make copies for everyone.
Finally, remember that each lesson plan is supposed to be tested by
another teacher (who should also post their version of the lesson plan
and comments on the web site). If you have any questions please contact
your group leader (Chuck, Judy, Mary, Bro. Pat).
Look forward to seeing everyone soon!