Hi gang...
Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend.
To those who are teaching AP STATISTICS (for the first time this year)...
If you are like me, you are seeking good ideas, thoughts, materials, etc.
during this trial-and-error initial year of AP Stat.
I have some handouts, etc. that I have used during the first two weeks of this
"new" course that I would be willing to share. I don't claim they are anything
special. They just represent my attempts to get this course going.
I would also like to get anything you might be willing to share relating to AP
Statisics. Perhaps we can "trade" materials next weekend.
If you would like a copy of my handouts, please let me know by Wednesday
evening so I can make copies of what I have.
P.S. The Polar Bear Club is becoming the rage at Cate. We now have five
faculty members and two students in as members. Many others are still trying
to get in.