Texas Instruments Program
Roseann R. Krane (rkrane@monte.mvhs.srvusd.k12.ca.us)
Thu, 22 Aug 1996 01:13:54 -0700 (PDT)
A new Texas Instruments program is providing workshops to train teachers
on their equipment in hopes of making them more comfortable using their
calculators. The company's school products dealers are setting up the
customized short workshops. In the workshops, experienced educators wil
demonstrate ways to teach using the calculators, as well as other new
technologies from Texas Instruments.
CONTACT: Teachers should contact the local TI school products dealer. A
list of dealers is available on the Texas Instruments' Web site,
http://ww.ti.com/calc/doc/instru.htm, or by calling (800)TI-CARES.