DCI '02 Peter Slater (Research Chair), University of Alabama in Huntsville, slater@math.uah.edu Linda Lesniak (Program Director, Co-Principal Investigator), Drew University, llesniak@drew.edu Fred S. Roberts (Director, Principal Investigator), DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu James Abello, DIMACS, Rutgers Univeristy (formerly with AT&T Labs), abelloj@optonline.net David W. Atkins, East Tennessee State University, davidwa21@aol.com Suman Balasubramanian, Clemson University, sumb@ces.clemson.edu Krystyna T. Balinska, Technical University of Poznan, balinska@man.poznan.pl Gary Bloom (#1, #2), City College of New York (CUNY), gbloom@niti.org Ljiljana Brankovic, The University of Newcastle, lbrankov@cs.newcastle.edu.au Robert C. Brigham, University of Central Florida, brigham@cs.ucf.edu Tamara Burton, Rochester Institute of Technology, tammyburton@aol.com Han Hyuk Cho, Seoul National University, hancho@snu.ac.kr Linda Eroh, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, eroh@uwosh.edu David Erwin, Trinity College, David.Erwin@trincoll.edu Michael Gargano, Pace University, mgargano@pace.edu Stephen Hartke, Rutgers University, hartke@math.rutgers.edu Bert Hartnell, St. Mary's University, Bert.Hartnell@stmarys.ca Johannes H. Hattingh, Georgia State University, jhattingh@gsu.edu Jamie Howard, East Tennesse State University, jamiehoward_tn@hotmail.com Robert E. Jamison, Clemson University, rejam@clemson.edu Min Jung Kim, Seoul National University Suh-Ryung Kim, Kyung Hee University, srkim@khu.ac.kr Renu Laskar, Clemson University, rclsk@clemson.edu Alexander Lee, Lynbrook High School, alexnlee@yahoo.com Sin-Min Lee (#1, #2), San Jose State University, sin_min_lee@hotmail.com Ian Levitt, Polytechnic University, ilevitt@duke.poly.edu Daphne Liu, California State University at Los Angeles, dliu@exchange.calstatela.edu James A. MacDougall, The University of Newcastle, mmjam@alinga.newcastle.edu.au Dan McQuillan, Norwich University, mcqdan@yahoo.com Eric Mendelsohn, University of Toronto, mendelso@math.utoronto.ca Darren A. Narayan, Rochester Institute of Technology, dansma@rit.edu Ji Yeon Park, Kyung Hee University, jiyeon0902@hanmail.net Nick Phillips, Southern Illinios University, nckp@siu.edu Louis V. Quintas, Pace University, lquintas@pace.edu Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu Alexander Rosa, McMaster University, rosa@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca Peter Slater, University of Alabama in Huntsville, slater@math.uah.edu Barry Tesman, Dickinson College, tesman@dickinson.edu Bin Tian, Rutgers University, tian@paul.rutgers.edu Denise S. Troxell, Babson College, troxell@babson.edu John Villalpando, Clemson University, jvillal@clemson.edu Walter D. Wallis, Southern Illinois University, wdwallis@lambert.math.siu.edu Liming Wang, Rutgers University, wshwlm@math.rutgers.edu Xuding Zhu, National Sun Yat-sen University, zhu@ibm28.math.nsysu.edu.tw |