DIMACS Working Group on BioSurveillance Data Monitoring and Information Exchange

February 22 - 24, 2006
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

David Madigan, Rutgers, Statistics, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu
Colleen Martin, CDC auq4@cdc.gov
Henry Rolka, (CDC), hrr2@cdc.gov
Presented under the auspices of the of the Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology.

Call for Participation:

This working group is by invitation only.

Participants in the Working Group on BioSurveillance Data Monitoring and Information Exchange
Ihsan Azzam Nevada State Health Division
Howard Burkom Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Deeanna Burleson Department of Homeland Security
Blake Caldwell Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jian-Hua Chen New York State Department of Health
Alvina Chu Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Bradley Clark Department of Homeland Security
Jacqueline Coberly Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Colonel Kenneth Cox Department of Defense
Dan Drociuk South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Kimberly Elenberg United States Department of Agriculture
Julia Gunn Boston Public Health Commission
Teresa Hamby New Jersey Department of Health and Human Services
Lori Hutwagner Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jeffrey Johnson San Diego County Human Services Agency
Viral Joshi Arizona Department of Health Services
Ken Komatsu Arizona Department of Health Services
Fermin Leguen Miami Dade County Health Department
Colleen Martin Science Applications International Corporation
John Martin Department of Homeland Security
Ronald McGaugh Constella Group
Matthew Miller IEM
Sandeep Mital Pasadena County Public Health Department
Erin Murray Georgia Department of Public Health
Marc Paladini New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Catherine Plaisant University of Maryland
Gabriel Rainisch Northrop Grumman
Thomas Reynolds Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Carla Rodriguez San Francisco Department of Public Health
Henry Rolka Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jennifer Schneider California Department of Health Services
Loren Shaffer Ohio Department of Health
Galit Shmueli University of Maryland
David Siegrist Potomac Institute
Karl Soetebier Georgia Department of Public Health
Leslie Sokolow Northrup Grumman
Barbara Spraktes-Wilkins Ventura County Public Health Department
Regina Tan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jerome Tokars Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Stella Tsai New Jersey Department of Health and Human Services
David Walker Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Kirsten Waller Pennsylvania Department of Health
Karen Williams Rhode Island Department of Health
Noell Williams Department of Homeland Security
Weng-Keen Wong Oregon State University
Ambica Yadav Constella Group
Guoyan Zhang Miami Dade County Health Department
Duane Zomer IEM

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Document last modified on February 23, 2006.