DIMACS Workshop on Software Defined Networking
December 3 - 4, 2012
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers:
- Nate Foster, Cornell, jnfoster at cs.cornell.edu
- Brighten Godfrey, UIUC, pbg at illinois.edu
- Li Erran Li, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, erranlli at gmail.com
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special
Focus on Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet.
- Marco Canini, TU Berlin / T-Labs
A SOFT Way for OpenFlow Interoperability Testing
- John Carter, IBM
SPARTA: Scalable Per-Address RouTing Architecture for Data Centers
- Guofei Gu, SUCCESS Lab, Texas A&M
Security as an App and Security as a Service:
New Killer Applications for Software Defined Networking?
- Arjun Guha, Mark Reitblatt, and Nate Foster, Cornell University
Machine-Verified Controllers
- Sachin Katti, EE&CS, Stanford University
OpenRadio: Taking Control of Wireless
- Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
Policy AnalysisUsing Margrave
- Sharad Malik, Princeton University, with Shuyuan Zhang, Princeton, Rick McGeer, HP Labs
Formal Verification of Computer Switch Networks
- Rajesh Narayanan, Dell Networking
An Innovation Framework for Software Defined Networking
- Guru Parulkar, Stanford University and Open Networking Research Center
Software Defined Networking (SDN): A New Approach to Networking
- Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, with Joshua Reich, Chris Monsanto, Nate Foster, & David Walker
Composing Software Defined Networks
- Vyas Sekar, Stony Brook University, joint work with Zafar Qazi, William Tu, Luis Chiang, Stony Brook University
and Rui Miao, Minlan Yu, USC
Toward Practical Integration of SDN and Middleboxes
- Anees Shaikh, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Collaboration with Mohammad Banikazemi, Salman Baset, Jack Kouloheris,
David Olshefski, John Tracey, and Guohui Wang
SDN-enhanced Services in Enterprises and Data Centers
Lightning Talks:
Workshop Index
DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on December 14, 2012.