DIMACS Workshop on Robust Communication Networks: Interconnection and Survivability

November 18 - 20, 1998
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Nathaniel Dean, Rice University, nated@caam.rice.edu
Frank Hsu, Fordham University, hsu@murray.fordham.edu
R. Ravi, GSIA, Carnegie Mellon University, ravi@cmu.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Networks.

Architectural interconnection and survivability play important roles in the design, construction, operation and application of robust communications networks. Due to the advent of VLSI and fiber optics technologies, it has become possible and feasible to design and construct large scale high performance and high speed wireline and wireless communication networks that are also robust. This opens many challenging issues and problems for both the theory community and practitioners.

Topics and problems to be discussed at the RCN:IS workshop include:

  1. Network structure and architecture (topology/architecture, reliability/latency, routing/switching, and bandwith).
  2. WAN backbone and access network design and construction (capacity efficiency, cost, restoration methods, congestion control, trade-offs between different architectures, and interconnection between LANs and the Internet).
  3. Container construction and fault tolerant properties (multipath, all pair shortest paths, mutlicast, wide-diameter and fault-diameter).
  4. Primal dual approximation methods (survivable network design).
  5. Highly connected networks (including k-connected graphs, algorithms for special classes of graphs, etc.) and vulnerability (minimum degree problems, network upgrading, network attack and inhibition).
  6. Survivability in optical networks (double coverings, SONET, T/W/CDM) and wireless networks (switch assignments, interconnections between base stations).
  7. Network design support systems (design heuristics, add/delete algorithms) and novel networks.

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Document last modified on August 20, 1998.