Random matrices are among the most basic objects in mathematics and their studies have strong connections to many areas, such as mathematical physics, combinatorics, theoretical computer science, geometrical analysis, to mention a few.
One main goal of this workshop is to present some of these links and show that how progess on one field affect the others. Thus, beside talks on new results, the program will feature several survey/introductory talks on various aspects of random matrices. In particular, T. Tao (UCLA) will give a series of tutorials on the recently found connection between additive combinatorics and random matrices.
Confirmed speakers: Ben Arous (NYU), Chatterjee (Berkeley), Costello (IAS), Deift (NYU), Krishnapur (Toronto), Meckes (Case Western), McSherry (Microsoft Research), Rudelson (Missouri), Peche (Grenoble), Spielman (Yale), Speicher (Queens), Tao (UCLA), Vershynin (UC Davis), Vempala (Geogia Tech), Wood (Rutgers), Zeitouni (Weizman Institute).