DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling

August 10, 2001
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Douglas Carroll, Rutgers University, dcarroll@rci.rutgers.edu
Phipps Arabie, Rutgers University, arabie@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Data Analysis and Mining.

Call for Participation:

Most speakers will be participants in the Working Group on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling I. However, contributions from individuals not participating in the working group will be considered, as time allows. These talks may be on algorithmic aspects of MDS and related techniques, on theoretical considerations, or on specific applications-- especially novel applications of new methodology or of models and methods that are not generally well known. In most cases, presentations should be planned to be no more than 40 minutes in length, although exceptions can be made if required to present particularly difficult or complex material.

Individuals interested in contributing a talk should send title and abstract (including names of all authors, time required, and any special needs) to Doug Carroll at dcarroll@rci.rutgers.edu.

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Document last modified on June 1, 2001.