Microsurveys in Discrete Probability

June 2 - 6, 1997
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey

David Aldous, University of California - Berkeley, aldous@stat.berkeley.edu
Jim Propp, MIT, propp@math.mit.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Discrete Probability.

Probabilistic aspects of algorithms and discrete mathematics, and discrete aspects of theoretical probability, form a broad and active field of contemporary research. The workshop is aimed at researchers seeking to broaden their familiarity with the field. The workshop will be centered on 10 focussed survey talks on diverse topics, intended as a cross-section of current activity. Of course, there will also be opportunity for participants to present their own recent research in short talks, with a focus on open problems and on possibilities for fruitful interchange with other conference participants.

The exact topics have not been fixed, but the following samples should give an accurate impression of the range of topics under consideration.

The following have tentatively agreed to speak. Other speakers will be announced later.

A photocopied booklet of abstracts and/or papers will be handed out at the workshop. Authors will be invited to submit complete papers for publication in a DIMACS volume.
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Document last modified on August 25, 1998.