DIMACS Workshop on Cryptography and its Interactions: Learning Theory, Coding Theory, and Data Structures
July 11 - 13, 2016
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers:
- David Cash, Rutgers University, david.cash at cs.rutgers.edu
- Yuval Ishai, Technion and UCLA, yuvali at cs.technion.ac.il
- Amit Sahai, UCLA, sahai at cs.ucla.edu
Presented under the auspices of the
DIMACS Special
Focus on Cryptography as part of
the DIMACS/Simons
Collaboration in Cryptography and the DIMACS Special
Focus on Cybersecurity.
Call for Participation:
Most talks will be by invitation. If you would like to contribute a talk, please send a short abstract to the organizers for consideration.
Attendance at the workshop is open to all interested participants (subject to space limitations). Please register if you would like to attend this workshop.
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Document last modified on June 10, 2016.