DIMACS Workshop on Geological data fusion: Tackling the statistical challenges of interpreting past environmental change

January 17 - 18, 2013
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Robert Kopp, Rutgers University, Robert.Kopp at rutgers.edu
Frederik Simons, Princeton University, fjsimons at princeton.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Information Sharing and Dynamic Data Analysis.

Workshop Program:

Thursday, January 17, 2013 

 8:00 -  8:45  Breakfast and Registration

 8:45 -  9:00  Welcome

Session 1: Paleo-temperature and inference about climate sensitivity	

 9:00 -  9:40  On the simultaneous inference of past temperatures and climate sensitivity
               Martin Tingley, Harvard University

 9:40 - 10:00  Climate sensitivities
               Gavin Schmidt, NASA GISS

10:00 - 10:20  Novel high dimensional statistical methodology for multiproxy
               paleoclimate reconstructions 	
               Bala Rajaratnam, Stanford University

10:20 - 10:30  Coffee Break

10:30 - 10:50  Climate sensitivity estimated from the Last Glacial Maximum
               Nathan Urban, LANL

10:50 - 11:30  Can the Last Glacial Maximum constrain climate sensitivity?
               Julia Hargreaves, JAMSTEC

11:30 - 12:00  Discussion

12:00 -  1:00  Lunch and Poster Session
Session 2: Spectral analysis and the identification of climatic pacemakers	

 1:00 -  1:10  Director's Welcome 
               Rebecca Wright, Director of DIMACS
 1:10 -  1:50  Some observations on the problem of recovering time scales in paleo data
               David Thomson, Queen's University
 1:50 -  2:10  Spectral Coherence Evidence for Oceanic Control of Interannual Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
               Jeffrey Park, Yale

 2:10 -  2:40  Patterns in Static 
               Stephen Meyers, U. Wisconsin

 2:40 -  3:20  Complex signal analysis of paleoclimatic time series                             
               Linda Hinnov, Johns Hopkins

 3:20 -  3:50  Discussion

 3:50 -  4:00  Coffee Break

Session 3: Paleo-climate and paleo-ecological inference	

 4:00 -  4:40  Using spatio-temporal statistical modeling for 
               paleoecological reconstruction and uncertainty characterization
               Chris Paciorek, Berkeley
 4:40 -  5:00  Climate information from tree-rings: state-of-the-art 
               and existing challenges 
               Kevin Anchukaitis, WHOI
 5:00 -  5:20  Assimilating paleoecological data into land surface & biogeochemical models
               Michael Dietze, Boston U.
 5:20 -  6:00  Time-uncertainty in paleoclimate proxy records and implications for climate reconstruction						
               Jessica Tierney, WHOI

 6:00 -  6:30  Discussion	

 6:30 -  6:45  Closing Remarks
 6:45          Dinner - DIMACS 4th Floor Lounge (Room 401)

Friday, January 18, 2013 

 8:15 -  8:45  Breakfast and Registration

 8:45 -  9:00  Meeting resumes

Session 4: Paleo-sea level and inference about ice sheet stability		
 9:00 -  9:40  Sea-level change along the Atlantic coast of the United States
               Ben Horton, U. Penn

 9:40 - 10:00  Can we determine sea level rise acceleration from the instrumental record?
               Gary Mitchum, U. South Florida

10:00 - 10:20  Reducing uncertainty in future sea level rise contributions 
               from the Greenland Ice Sheet using geological data
               Patrick Applegate, Penn State
10:20 - 10:30  Coffee Break
10:30 - 10:50  A Rapid Ice-Melt sea level rise scenario, based on the Last Glacial Termination
               Vivien Gornitz, Columbia University
10:50 - 11:30  Bayesian inference on sea level and ice volume history during past interglacials
               Bob Kopp, Rutgers University

11:30 - 12:00  Discussion		

12:00 -  1:00  Lunch and Poster Session
 1:00 -  2:00  Poster Session
Session 5: Paleo-environmental reconstructions and the character of the sedimentary record		

 2:00 -  2:40  Inference on Earth surface evolution from the stratigraphic record
               Rina Schumer, Desert Research Institute
 2:40 -  3:00  Birth, life and fate of continental sediment in the wake of climate change and mountain uplift
               Jane Willenbring, U. Penn
 3:00 -  3:40  The process signal of gaps in the continental shelf and deep sea sedimentary records
               Shanan Peters, U. Wisconsin

 3:40  - 4:00  Discussion
 4:00 -  4:10  Coffee Break
Session 6: Geological data fusion		

 4:10 -  5:00  Concluding Session

 5:00 -  5:30  Closing remarks  

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Document last modified on January 10, 2013.