Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013-Plus

MPE 2013+ Workshop on Modeling Food Systems

 April 21 - 22, 2018

Application to Attend with Optional Application for Financial Support

Deadline for Full Consideration: March 15, 2018.

Two parts to the application:
1. A statement of interest and commitment(uploaded through the website, .pdf and .doc files only, .docx files not accepted.)
2. (Optional) An application for financial support. If you are interested in partial financial support, for travel and/or lodging, please let us know what funds you have available and what funds you would like to apply. Partial funding may be available with priority given to students, postdocs, and junior faculty.

1. Upload of Application to attend: (.pdf, or .doc files only - .docx files are not accepted)

Submit your statement of interest and why you would like to participate in this workshop in the box below. Please be sure to address at least the following three items in the file you upload.

1) Please state your primary discipline of interest.

2) Please state in a few words why you would like to participate in the workshop:

3) Please indicate your Position on your statement:

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
File to Upload:
Your statement of interest and reason why you would like to participate in this workshop along with your position should be in this file. Please make sure your name and contact information is listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading!
The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name. Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

2. Optional application for financial support: (.pdf, or .doc files only - .docx files are not accepted)

If you would like to be considered for financial support, submit a statement of your needs and the resources you have available to attend. Priority will be given to Early Career applicants. Early Career Applicants are defined as graduate students, postdocs or faculty or researchers who have earned their doctorate within the previous three years.
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
File to Upload:
Please make sure your name is listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading! The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name. Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on March 5, 2018.