DIMACS Workshop on End-to-End Network Modeling and Simulations: Participation

October 23-24, 1997
Princeton University

Sandeep Bhatt, Bellcore, bhatt@bellcore.com
Ashok Erramilli, Qmetrix, ashok@qmetrix.com
Andy T. Ogielski, Rutgers, ato@winlab.rutgers.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Networks.

While we anticipate an intense program of invited talks, we welcome participants who are interested in giving a presentation to email a one page abstract (PostScript or plain ASCII) to one of the workshop organizers (Bhatt, Erramilli, or Ogielski), preferably including the URL where more information is available to assist in reviewing the sumbission. Depending on the number of submissions, the organizers will organize a forum (extra session, poster session), or a virtual poster session on the World Wide Web, which would be preserved in workshop's proceedings.

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