DIMACS Workshop on the Boundary between Economic Theory and Computer Science

October 24 - 26, 2007
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Lance Fortnow, University of Chicago, fortnow@cs.uchicago.edu
Rakesh Vohra, Northwestern University, r-vohra@kellogg.northwestern.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computation and the Socio-Economic Sciences.

Five years ago, when the special focus on the socio-economic sciences was conceived, partnerships between computer scientists and social scientists were relatively new. Now, they have begun to sprout and several important new fields of research are already thriving as a result. The topic of game theory and mechanism design such as auctions have involved many leading computer scientists with economists and, as a result, for the first time many computer scientists are taking serious note of both the problems and the methods of economics and vice versa. Analysis of the analogies between the growth of social networks and the development of the Internet have led to important insights about both areas and serious interactions between computer scientists and sociologists. Problems of metasearch have engaged computer scientists with political scientists and economists working on voting and social choice.

This final workshop of the special focus will explore the growing boundary between economics and computer science as examined in the various specialized workshops of this focus. It will not only recap recent activities but also help define and map future directions. The invited speakers are from both economics and computer science backgrounds who have led the way into this new frontier. This is a list of Invited Speakers:

We will also have several submitted talks to allow the next generation to describe the cutting edge research between the fields.

Next: Call for Participation
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Document last modified on June 19, 2007.