DIMACS/IBM Workshop on Data Mining in the Internet Age
May 1 - 2, 2000
IBM - Almaden, San Jose, California
- Organizers:
- Rakesh Agrawal, IBM, ragrawal@almaden.ibm.com
- Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Labs - Research, jf@research.att.com
- Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity Systems, praghava@verity.com
- Jeff Ullman, Stanford University, ullman@db.stanford.edu
Co-sponsored by DIMACS and IBM Deep Computing Institute.
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Next Generation Networks Technologies and Applications and the Special Year on Networks.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together premier researchers in
the area of data mining for a workshop at IBM Almaden, May 1-2, 2000. As growing amounts of scientific and business data are warehoused in large data repositories, there is burgeoning interest in extracting valuable information latent in these warehouses. The growth of the internet has led to an explosion in the volume of information being gathered, as well as to the diversity of researchers from various backgrounds - from databases, statistics, machine learning and algorithms - attempting the advance the state of the art in data mining.
DIMACS and IBM Research are ideally
positioned to
take the lead in bringing together these various domains of expertise
and application. IBM Research has a long tradition in pioneering data mining
research, as well as in productizing it and learning from the marketplace. DIMACS remains the premier institution in drawing connections between mathematical scientists and application areas from many domains.
By bringing together experts from databases, statistics, algorithms and machine
learning, the workshop aims to provide a forum for fundamental advances in data
mining. The format of the workshop will be drawn up to reflect the diversity of interests of the participants, and to develop synergies through working
sessions of various kinds (in addition to invited lectures from domain experts).
Next: Call for Participation
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Document last modified on April 24, 2000.