DIMACS - Georgia Tech Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications

January 22 - 24, 2007
Georgia Institute of Technology

Fan Chung Graham, UCSD, fan at ucsd.edu
Ashish Goel, Stanford University, ashishg at stanford.edu
Milena Mihail, Georgia Institute of Technolgy, mihail at cc.gatech.edu
Chris Wiggins, Columbia University, chris.wiggins at columbia.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Discrete Random Systems.

Workshop Program:

Monday, January 22, 2007 
 8:50 -  9:00  Welcome from Dana Randall, Fan Chung, 
               Ashish Goel, Milena Mihail and Chris Wiggins 

 9:05 - 10:00  The Architecture of Robustness
               Main Plenary Talk, John Doyle, Caltech 

10:05 - 11:00  Solving Massive Graph Problems using Petascale Computing
               David Bader, Georgia Tech 

11:05 - 12:00  The Geni NSF Initiative 
               Ellen Zegura, Georgia Tech 

12:00 -  2:00  Lunch Break 
 2:00 -  2:25  Core-Dense Graphs and Hypergraphs
               Santosh Vempala, MIT & Georgia Tech 
 2:30 -  2:55  Towards Topology Aware Networks
               Amin Saberi, Stanford University 
 3:00 -  3:25  Scalable Algorithms for Vector Space Computations in Complex Data Environments
               Michael Mahoney, Yahoo Research 
 3:30 -  3:55  Optimization Problems in Social Networks
               David Kempe, USC  

 4:00 -  4:25  Partitioning Real-World "Power-Law" Graphs
               Kevin Lang, Yahoo Research 

 4:30 -  4:55  Structure and Evolution of Online Social Networks
               Ravi Kumar, Yahoo Research 
 5:00 -  5:55  Using Lovasz Local Lemma in the Space of Random Matching
               Lincoln Lu, University of South Carolina 
Tuesday January 23, 2007 
 9:05 - 10:00  Complex Structures in Complex Networks
               Plenary Talk, Mark Newman, University of Michigan 

10:05 - 11:00  Web Search and Online Communities
               Plenary Talk, Andrew Tomkins, Yahoo Research 

11:05 - 12:00  Stochastic Models on Networks, Games and Reconstruction
               Elchanan Mossel, U.C. Berkeley 

12:00 -  2:00  Lunch Break  
 2:00 -  2:25  Moving Away from G(n,p)
               Dimitrtis Achlioptas, U.C. Santa Cruz 

 2:30 -  2:55  The Optimization Origins of Preferential Attachment
               Raissa D'Souza, U.C. Davis 
 3:00 -  3:25  Where do Power Laws Come From?
               Josh Cooper, University of South Carolina 

 3:30 -  3:55  Designing Threshold Networks with Given Structural and Dynamical Properties
               Aric Hagberg, Los Alamos

 4:00 -  4:25  A Geometrical Preferential Attachment Model of Networks
               Juan Vera, Georgia Tech

 4:30 -  4:55  Trouble with Web Matrices and Pagerank
               Joel Friedman, University of British Columbia

 5:00 -  5:25  Full Web Pageranking on a Laptop
               Frank McSherry, Microsoft Research 

 5:25 -  6:00  Local Graph Partitioning using Pagerank Vectors
               Reid Andersen, U.C. San Diego 

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 
 9:05 - 10:00  Recurring Mathematical and Computational Problems in Biology
               Plenary Talk, Brendan Frey, University of Toronto 
10:05 - 11:00  Complex Networks in Biology
               Chris Wiggins, Columbia University 
11:05 - 11:30  Untangling Biological Networks using Maximum Entropy Priors on Graphs
               Quaid Morris, University of Toronto

11:30 - 12:00  Network Inference and Analysis for Systems Biology
               Joel Bader, Johns Hopkins

12:00 -  2:00  Lunch Break

 2:00 -  2:25  Modeling Biological Systems from Heterogeneous Genomics Data
               Olga Troyanskaya, Princeton University

 2:30 -  2:55  PROCTOR: An algorithm for reconstructing the internal 
               interaction topology of protein complexes
               Alexander Hartemink, Duke University

 3:00 -  3:25  Activating Interactions and the Dynamics of Biological Networks
               Meredith Betterton, University of Colorado, Boulder

 3:30 -  3:55  Depletion of Feedback Loops in Large Scale Biological Networks
               Guillermo Cecci, IBM

 4:00 -  4:25  Degree Correlations in Real and Model Networks: Measures, Origin, and Consequences
               Alexei Vazquez, Simons Center for Systems Biology, Institute of Advanced Study

 4:30 -  4:55  Self-Assembly Networks
               Ed Coffman, Columbia University 

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Document last modified on January 15, 2007.