Call for Participation: DIMACS Implementation Challenge

The Fourth DIMACS International Algorithm Implementation Challenge
Two Problems in Computational Biology:
Fragment Assembly and Genome Rearrangements

September 14 & 15, 1995
DIMACS, Rutgers University

In conjunction with its Special Year on Mathematical Support for Molecular Biology, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) has been sponsoring an international Implementation Challenge on problems from computational molecular biology. The challenge focussed on two problems: Sequence Assembly (the problem of reconstructing a DNA sequence knowing only the sequences of many possibly overlapping fragments) and Genome Rearrangements (the problem of comparing two orders of genes).

The Implementation Challenge culminates in a workshop to be held at DIMACS September 14 - 15. Participants in the Challenge will be presenting their work and invited speakers will present lectures on the topics of the challenge. Participants in the Challenge and other interested researchers are invited to attend this conference.

For more details on the Challenge, please contact Martin Vingron ( or access the information on WWW (


An advisory committee has provided general direction for the Implementation Challenge. Committee members are Ellson Chen, Applied Biosystems, Sorin Istrail, Sandia National Laboratory, David Johnson, AT\&T Bell Laboratories, John Kececioglu, University of Georgia, Joachim Messing, Rutgers University, Joseph Nadeau, Montreal General Hospital, Pavel Pevzner, Pennsylvania State University, Peter Rice, Sanger Center, Martin Vingron, German National Research Center for Information Technology (Coordinator), Michael Waterman, University of Southern California.


To register, contact Pat Toci, If possible, please register by September 8 -- although registering at the conference is permitted if space is available. THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE.

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