Workshop Registration Form

The 8th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2024)

October 14 - 16, 2024

DIMACS Workshop Registration Fees
  Registrations on or before
September 13, 2024
Registrations after
September 13, 2024
Students $150 $300
Regular rate applied to all others $350 $500

All registrations must be prepaid with a credit card (VISA/Mastercard accepted) or echeck at the time of registration.

Please fill out the following form to register. Required fields are marked with *.

When finished and you have checked the correctness of information, press the "send" button at the bottom of the form.


Your First Name: *Your Last Name:
*Your Position: Your Postal Address: (This information will be used for nametags & mailing lists) Name of organization: (University or Company Name)
*Organization Type: Department: Street Address: City, State, Zip Code: Country:
Phone: Fax: *E-Mail: Web page URL:

Comments: (i.e. dietary restrictions, request for travel support)

To prove you are not a robot, please compute the sum:

The event organizers have granted me a registration fee waiver.
The event organizers have not granted me a registration fee waiver.
This status will be verified prior to the event.

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