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Previous: Acknowledgments
- 1
- William L. Bowdish, ``Finding the Fractal Complexity of a
Coastline'', In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom 5 (Nov 1994), p. 3.
- 2
- Ethel Breuche, Book Review,
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom 2 (October 1992), p. 10.
- 3
- ,
in ``The Discrete Reviewer'',
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom 6 (Spring/Summer 1995), p. 7.
- 4
- Marilyn Burns and Stephanie Sheffield,
Math and Literature, K-3, Math Solutions, Sausalito, CA,
1992. (Avail. from Cuisinaire.)
- 5
- Nancy Casey and Michael Fellows, ``This
is MEGA-Mathematics!'', Los Alamos, 1993.
- 6
- ,
``Implementing the Standards: Let's Focus on the First Four'', this
- 7
- Doug Clements and Julie Sarama,
``Turtle Math: Redesigning Logo for the Elementary Classroom'',
Learning and Leading with Technology (April, 1996), p. 10.
- 8
- Nancy Crisler, Patience Fisher, and
Gary Froelich, ``A Discrete Mathematics Textbook for High Schools'',
this volume.
- 9
- Nathaniel Dean and Yanxi Liu,
``Discrete Mathematics Software for K-12 Education'', this volume.
- 10
- Robert L. Devaney, ``Putting Chaos into Calculus Courses'',
this volume.
- 11
- John A. Dossey, ``Making a Difference with Difference
Equations'', this volume.
- 12
- Susanna S. Epp, ``Logic and Discrete
Mathematics in the Schools'', this volume.
- 13
- Deborah Franzblau, ``New Models for Courses in
Discrete Mathematics'',
Newsletter of the SIAM Activity group in Discrete Mathematics
4 (Winter, 1993-94), p. 1-3.
- 14
- Martin Gardner,
The Scientific American
book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions,
Simon and Schuster, NY, 1959. See also other books by author.
- 15
- Eric W. Hart,
``Discrete Mathematical Modeling in the Secondary Curriculum: Rationale
and Examples from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project'', this volume.
- 16
Douglas R. Hofstadter , Metamagical Themas,
Basic Books, New York, 1985.
- 17
- Bret Hoyer, ``A Discrete Mathematics
Experience with General Mathematics Students'', this volume.
- 18
- Robert E. Jamison, ``Rhythm and Pattern:
Discrete Mathematics with an Artistic Connection
for Elementary School Teachers'',
this volume.
- 19
- Margaret J. Kenney and Christian R. Hirsch, Eds.,
Discrete Mathematics Across the Curriculum,
1991 Yearbook, NCTM, Reston, VA, 1991.
- 20
- Janice C. Kowalczyk, ``Fibonacci
Reflections: It's Elementary!'', this volume.
- 21
- , resource review
in ``The Discrete Reviewer'',
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom 7
(Fall/Winter 1995), p. 7.
- 22
- Philip G. Lewis, ``Algorithms, Algebra, and
the Computer Lab'', this volume.
- 23
- Evan Maletsky, ``Discrete Mathematics Activities for Middle
School'', this volume.
- 24
- Joseph Malkevitch,
``Applied Discrete Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students'',
Newsletter of the SIAM Activity group in Discrete Mathematics
4 (Summer, 1994), p. 1-2.
- 25
- , ``Game Theory Bibliography'',
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom
6 (Spring/Summer 1995), p. 9.
- 26
- , ``Discrete Mathematics
and Public Perceptions of Mathematics'', this
- 27
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics,
NCTM, Reston, VA, 1989.
- 28
Anthony Piccolino, Book Review,
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics
in the Classroom 2 (October 1992), p. 10.
- 29
- Susan Picker, Resource Review,
In Discrete Mathematics: Using Discrete
Mathematics in the Classroom 3 (August 1993), p. 4.
- 30
- Fred S. Roberts, ``The Role of Applications
in Teaching Discrete Mathematics'', this volume.
- 31
- Joseph G. Rosenstein, ``A Comprehensive
View of Discrete Mathematics: Chapter 14 of the New Jersey
Mathematics Curriculum Framework'', this volume.
- 32
- Joseph G. Rosenstein and Valerie A. DeBellis, ``The
Leadership Program in Discrete Mathematics'', this volume.
- 33
- Joseph G. Rosenstein, Deborah S. Franzblau, and Fred
S. Roberts, Eds., Discrete Mathematics in the Schools, (this
volume), American Mathematical Society, AMS/DIMACS series, 1997.
- 34
- Reuben J. Settergren,``What we've got here is a failure
to cooperate'', this volume.
- 35
- Eric Simonian, ``The Tangram Magicians'', In Discrete
Mathematics: Using Discrete Mathematics in the Classroom 7
(Fall/Winter 1995), p. 3.
- 36
- Mario Vassallo and Anthony Ralston,
``Computer Software for the Teaching
of Discrete Mathematics in the Schools'', this volume.
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