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The first workshop was held in January 1994 at the Geometry Center, and the second one the following March at DIMACS. The Geometry Center workhop focused on problems of practical computation and aimed at encouraging informal interaction among the participants. There were no formal lectures. The DIMACS workshop had a broader view and was organized more conventionally. The staffs at both places were helpful and effective. The workshops were supported by grants from DIMACS and the Geometry Center, and by an additonal grant from the National Science Foundation.
The developments in geometric group theory alluded to above involve new connections between geometry, computer science, and group theory. This kind of interpaly is evident in the articles included in this book. They are evidence of the reimagining of combinatorial group theory now in progress.
The Editors
Foreward | ix |
Preface | xi |
The Geometry Center Workshop | xiii |
The DIMACS Workshop | xiv |
Lower bounds of isoperimetric functions for nilpotent groups
Jose Burillo |
1 |
A filtration of the chain complex of a rewriting system
Lisa J. Carbone |
9 |
Formal languages and infinite groups
Robert H. Gilman |
27 |
Groups of deficiency zero
George Havas, M.F. Newman, E.A. O'Brien |
53 |
The Warwick automatic groups software
Derek F. Holt |
69 |
Some remarks on one-relator free products with amalgamation
Arya Juhasz |
83 |
Detecting quasiconvexity: Algorithmic aspects
Ilya Kapovich |
91 |
A user's quide to the mapping class group: Once punctured surfaces
Lee Mosher |
101 |
Computing nilpotent quotients of finitely
Werner Nickel |
175 |
An algorithm detecting hyperbolicity
P. Papasoglu |
193 |
On the finite subgroups of a context-free group
Geraud Senizergues |
201 |