Second, a generalization of Delta + 1 coloring defects is explored for graphs of maximum degree Delta. Based on a theorem of Lovasz, we obtain an O(Delta E) algorithm to (k, \1floor (Delta/k \rfloor) color any graph; this yields an O(E) algorithm to (2,1)-color 3-regular graphs, and (3,2)-color 6-regular graphs.
The generalization of Delta + 1 coloring is used in turn to generalize the
polynomial-time approximate 3- and k-coloring algorithms of Widgerson and
Karger-Motwani-Sudan to allow defects. For approximate 3-coloring, we
obtain an O(Delta E) time algorithm to $(\lceil({8n \over d})^{.5}\rceil,d)$
color, and a polynomial time algorithm to $(O((\frac{n} {d})^{.387}), d)$
color any 3-colorable graph.
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