DIMACS Summer School on Applied Logic
Tutorial on Finite Model Theory
Tentative Schedule and Syllabus
Daily Schedule and Timetable, Monday through Friday
9:00-10:30 Track A: Expressive Power of Logics (Kolaitis)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Track B: Descriptive Complexity (Immerman)
12:30 - 2:30 Lunch Break
2:30 - 4:00 Track C: Random Finite Models (Lynch)
4:00 - 4:30 Coffee Break
4:30- 5:30 "Office hours" and free discussion
Monday, August 14
A. Introduction to finite models:
First-order logic, Second-order logic
Monadic existential second-order logic (monadic NP)
Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games for first-order
and second-order logic
B. Introduction to descriptive complexity:
Complexity classes and complete problems
FO is contained in LOGSPACE
Fagin's theorem: "NP = Existential Second-Order Logic"
C. Introduction to random models:
Measures of size: cardinality and probability
Countable structures and first-order logic:
back-and-forth game
Gaifman's 0-1 law
Finite relational structures and first-order logic:
0-1 law of Fagin and Glebskii et al.
Tuesday, August 15
A. Lower bounds for expressibility in monadic NP
(connectivity is not expressible in monadic NP)
Least fixed point logic LFP: syntax and semantics
Existential least fixed point logic and Datalog
B. Descriptive complexity on ordered finite models:
PTIME = (FO + LFP) (Immerman-Vardi Theorem)
NLOGSPACE = (FO + TC) (Transitive Closure Logic)
LOGSPACE = (FO + DTC) (Deterministic Transitive Closure
Space Complementation Theorem
C. Structures with built-in relations and first-order logic:
Convergence law for structures with built-in successor
Random graphs:
Cases where the 0-1 law holds
Wednesday August 16
A. Stage comparison theorem for least fixed point logic
Immerman's complementation theorem
Stratified Datalog vs. least fixed point logic
Inflationary fixed point logic IFP
B. Parallel machines and Iterating Formulas:
(FO + LFP) = FO[n^{O(1)}]
CRAM[t(n)] = FO[t(n)] (parallel time equals quantifier
FO = CRAM[1] = AC^0
C. Analytic methods:
Generating functions and their applications to finite
model theory
0-1 laws from generating functions
Thursday August 17
A. Partial fixed point logic PFP
Finite Variable Logics
k-pebble games for finite variable logics
B. PSPACE = (FO + PFP) = FO[2^{n^O(1)}], on ordered finite
DSPACE[n^k] = VAR[k+1]
Lower bounds (without order):
(FO(wo<) + TC) properly contained in FO(wo<)[log n]
C. Convergence laws for higher-order logics:
Monadic second-order logic
Finite variable logics
Friday August 18
A. Types for finite variable logics, definability of k-types
Abiteboul-Vianu Theorem:
PTIME = PSPACE if and only if LFP = PFP.
B. Lower Bounds for (FO + LFP + Counting): (Cai-Furer-
Immerman's Theorem)
Reductions in Descriptive Complexity:
first-order reductions, first-order projections
C. Nonconvergence results:
First-order logic of graphs with built-in linear ordering
Monadic second-order logic of graphs
Finite variable logics